Stampfer, Shaul (Maio de 2003). «What Actually Happened to the Jews of Ukraine in 1648?». Springer Nature. Jewish History. 17 (2): 207–227. ISSN0334-701X. doi:10.1023/a:1022330717763
Stampfer, Shaul (Maio de 2003). «What Actually Happened to the Jews of Ukraine in 1648?». Springer Nature. Jewish History. 17 (2): 207–227. ISSN0334-701X. doi:10.1023/a:1022330717763
Stampfer, Shaul (Maio de 2003). «What Actually Happened to the Jews of Ukraine in 1648?». Springer Nature. Jewish History. 17 (2): 207–227. ISSN0334-701X. doi:10.1023/a:1022330717763
Stampfer, Shaul (Maio de 2003). «What Actually Happened to the Jews of Ukraine in 1648?». Springer Nature. Jewish History. 17 (2): 207–227. ISSN0334-701X. doi:10.1023/a:1022330717763