Collins 1999, p. 219. Collins, John J. (1999). «Daniel». In: Van Der Toorn, Karel; Becking, Bob; van der Horst, Pieter Willem. Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible. [S.l.]: Eerdmans. ISBN9780802824912
Collins 1999, p. 220. Collins, John J. (1999). «Daniel». In: Van Der Toorn, Karel; Becking, Bob; van der Horst, Pieter Willem. Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible. [S.l.]: Eerdmans. ISBN9780802824912
Francis E. Gigot (1880). "Daniel". Catholic Encyclopedia on CD-ROM. New Advent.[]
La prima indicazione in proposto risale a R. Dussaud, "Brèves rémarques sur les tablettes de Ras Shamra", Syria 12, pp. 67-77, 1931, crf. p. 77. ([online].