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Philip J. Clark and Francis C. Evans (outubro de 1954). «Distance to Nearest Neighbor as a Measure of Spatial Relationships in Populations». Ecological Society of America. Ecology. 35 (4): 445–453. Bibcode:1954Ecol...35..445C. JSTOR1931034. doi:10.2307/1931034
Philip J. Clark and Francis C. Evans (outubro de 1954). «Distance to Nearest Neighbor as a Measure of Spatial Relationships in Populations». Ecological Society of America. Ecology. 35 (4): 445–453. Bibcode:1954Ecol...35..445C. JSTOR1931034. doi:10.2307/1931034
Turner, Will (16 de agosto de 2006). «Interactions Among Spatial Scales Constrain Species Distributions in Fragmented Urban Landscapes». Ecology and Society (em inglês). 11 (2). ISSN1708-3087. doi:10.5751/ES-01742-110206