Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich; Joynes, J. L.; Socialist Party of Canada (1919). Wage-labor and capital. Fisher - University of Toronto. [S.l.]: Vancouver : Whitehead Estate
Alpert, Harry (1959). «Emile Durkheim: A Perspective and Appreciation». American Sociological Review. 24 (4): 462–65. JSTOR2089532. doi:10.2307/2089532 A founding father of sociology, Émile Durkheim, best known for his 1893 seminal work, De La Division Du Travail Social [The Division of Labor in Society], "dedicated himself to the establishment of sociology as a legitimate and respected science and as an instrument of rational social action."
Kelly, E. L.; Goldberg, L. R. (1959). «Correlates of later performance and specialization in psychology: A follow-up study of the trainees assessed in the VA Selection Research Project». Psychological Monographs: General and Applied. 73 (12): 1–32. doi:10.1037/h0093748
«Google Acadêmico». Consultado em 24 de outubro de 2022
Alpert, Harry (1959). «Emile Durkheim: A Perspective and Appreciation». American Sociological Review. 24 (4): 462–65. JSTOR2089532. doi:10.2307/2089532 A founding father of sociology, Émile Durkheim, best known for his 1893 seminal work, De La Division Du Travail Social [The Division of Labor in Society], "dedicated himself to the establishment of sociology as a legitimate and respected science and as an instrument of rational social action."