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Goldstein, Ellie J. C.; Tyrrell, Kerin L.; Citron, Diane M.; Cox, Cathleen R.; Recchio, Ian M.; Okimoto, Ben; Bryja, Judith; Fry, Bryan G. (Junho de 2013). «Anaerobic and aerobic bacteriology of the saliva and gingiva from 16 captive Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis): new implications for the "bacteria as venom" model». Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 44 (2): 262–272. ISSN1042-7260. PMID23805543. doi:10.1638/2012-0022R.1
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Cheater, Mark (agosto–setembro de 2003). «Chasing the Magic Dragon». National Wildlife Federation. National Wildlife Magazine. 41 (5). Consultado em 11 de outubro de 2008. Arquivado do original em 20 de fevereiro de 2009
Goldstein, Ellie J. C.; Tyrrell, Kerin L.; Citron, Diane M.; Cox, Cathleen R.; Recchio, Ian M.; Okimoto, Ben; Bryja, Judith; Fry, Bryan G. (Junho de 2013). «Anaerobic and aerobic bacteriology of the saliva and gingiva from 16 captive Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis): new implications for the "bacteria as venom" model». Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 44 (2): 262–272. ISSN1042-7260. PMID23805543. doi:10.1638/2012-0022R.1