"Analysis: A month on, Japan nuclear crisis still scarring"Arquivado em 2011-04-14 na Archive-ItInternational Business Times (Australia). 9 April 2011, retrieved 12 April 2011; excerpt, According to James Acton, Associate of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Fukushima is not the worst nuclear accident ever but it is the most complicated and the most dramatic...This was a crisis that played out in real time on TV. Chernobyl did not." «Cópia arquivada». Consultado em 6 de fevereiro de 2016. Arquivado do original em 18 de abril de 2011
{{citar periódico|ultimo=Souza - @felipe_dess|primeiro=Felipe|data=2019-11-08|título=Defesa de Lula pede soltura 'imediata' e militância prepara palanque em Curitiba|url=https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-[[50350821|língua=inglês}}
Garcia, Gustavo; Fern; Calgaro, a; Matoso, Filipe; G1, Laís Lis e Mateus RodriguesDo; Brasília, em (31 de agosto de 2016). «Senado aprova impeachment, Dilma perde mandato e Temer assume». Processo de Impeachment de Dilma. Consultado em 25 de abril de 2019
"Analysis: A month on, Japan nuclear crisis still scarring"Arquivado em 2011-04-14 na Archive-ItInternational Business Times (Australia). 9 April 2011, retrieved 12 April 2011; excerpt, According to James Acton, Associate of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Fukushima is not the worst nuclear accident ever but it is the most complicated and the most dramatic...This was a crisis that played out in real time on TV. Chernobyl did not." «Cópia arquivada». Consultado em 6 de fevereiro de 2016. Arquivado do original em 18 de abril de 2011
"Analysis: A month on, Japan nuclear crisis still scarring"Arquivado em 2011-04-14 na Archive-ItInternational Business Times (Australia). 9 April 2011, retrieved 12 April 2011; excerpt, According to James Acton, Associate of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, "Fukushima is not the worst nuclear accident ever but it is the most complicated and the most dramatic...This was a crisis that played out in real time on TV. Chernobyl did not." «Cópia arquivada». Consultado em 6 de fevereiro de 2016. Arquivado do original em 18 de abril de 2011