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Escoffier, Jeffrey (1 de agosto de 2007). «Porn Star/Stripper/Escort: Economic and Sexual Dynamics in a Sex Work Career». Journal of Homosexuality. 53 (1–2): 173–200. ISSN0091-8369. PMID18019074. doi:10.1300/J082v53n01_08
Fitzgerald, Louise F; Shullman, Sandra L; Bailey, Nancy; Richards, Margaret; Swecker, Janice; Gold, Yael; Ormerod, Mimi; Weitzman, Lauren (1 de abril de 1988). «The incidence and dimensions of sexual harassment in academia and the workplace». Journal of Vocational Behavior. 32 (2): 152–175. ISSN0001-8791. doi:10.1016/0001-8791(88)90012-7
Pirog-Good, Maureen A.; Stets, Jan E. (janeiro de 1991). «Violence in Dating Relationships». Family Relations. 40 (1). 117 páginas. ISSN0197-6664. JSTOR585669. doi:10.2307/585669
Hald, Gert Martin (1 de outubro de 2006). «Gender Differences in Pornography Consumption among Young Heterosexual Danish Adults». Archives of Sexual Behavior. 35 (5): 577–585. ISSN1573-2800. PMID17039402. doi:10.1007/s10508-006-9064-0
Escoffier, Jeffrey (1 de agosto de 2007). «Porn Star/Stripper/Escort: Economic and Sexual Dynamics in a Sex Work Career». Journal of Homosexuality. 53 (1–2): 173–200. ISSN0091-8369. PMID18019074. doi:10.1300/J082v53n01_08
Baumeister, Roy F.; Vohs, Kathleen D. (18 de outubro de 2012). «Sexual Economics, Culture, Men, and Modern Sexual Trends». Society. 49 (6): 520–524. ISSN0147-2011. doi:10.1007/s12115-012-9596-y
Rudman, Laurie A. (23 de junho de 2017). «Myths of Sexual Economics Theory». Psychology of Women Quarterly. 41 (3): 299–313. ISSN0361-6843. doi:10.1177/0361684317714707
Pirog-Good, Maureen A.; Stets, Jan E. (janeiro de 1991). «Violence in Dating Relationships». Family Relations. 40 (1). 117 páginas. ISSN0197-6664. JSTOR585669. doi:10.2307/585669
Hald, Gert Martin (1 de outubro de 2006). «Gender Differences in Pornography Consumption among Young Heterosexual Danish Adults». Archives of Sexual Behavior. 35 (5): 577–585. ISSN1573-2800. PMID17039402. doi:10.1007/s10508-006-9064-0
Escoffier, Jeffrey (1 de agosto de 2007). «Porn Star/Stripper/Escort: Economic and Sexual Dynamics in a Sex Work Career». Journal of Homosexuality. 53 (1–2): 173–200. ISSN0091-8369. PMID18019074. doi:10.1300/J082v53n01_08
Fitzgerald, Louise F; Shullman, Sandra L; Bailey, Nancy; Richards, Margaret; Swecker, Janice; Gold, Yael; Ormerod, Mimi; Weitzman, Lauren (1 de abril de 1988). «The incidence and dimensions of sexual harassment in academia and the workplace». Journal of Vocational Behavior. 32 (2): 152–175. ISSN0001-8791. doi:10.1016/0001-8791(88)90012-7