Faceted Application of Subject Terminology (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Faceted Application of Subject Terminology" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
low place
low place
2nd place
4th place



  • Chan, Lois Mai; Childress, Eric; Dean, Rebecca; O'Neill, Edward T.; Vizine-Goek, Diane (1 de janeiro de 2001). «A Faceted Approach to Subject Data in the Dublin Core Metadata Record». Journal of Internet Cataloging. 4 (1/2): 35–47. doi:10.1300/J141v04n01_05 



  • Chan, Lois Mai; Childress, Eric; Dean, Rebecca; O'Neill, Edward T.; Vizine-Goek, Diane (1 de janeiro de 2001). «A Faceted Approach to Subject Data in the Dublin Core Metadata Record». Journal of Internet Cataloging. 4 (1/2): 35–47. doi:10.1300/J141v04n01_05