"Hell On Earth" By Andrii Lehit, The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933/Poetry. Poem Printed in: "The Great Famine In Ukraine 1932-1933". Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Volodymyr, Toronto, Canada, Pages 83-85,1988
"In a Ukrainian Cemetery" By Oleklsa Hai-Holovko, The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933/Poetry. Poem was written by Oleksa Hai-Holovklo in 1933 in Ukraine. He memorized the poem, burned the original text, and reproduced it from memory in Canada. Printed in an article by Dmytro Chub, entitled "Echoes of the Great Famine in the Memoirs of Eyewitnesses and in Ukrainian Literature" which appeared in:
"The Great Famine In Ukraine 1932-1933". The Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Volodymry, Toronto, Canada, Pages 128-129,1988
"1933" By Oleksa Veretenchenko,The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933/Poetry. Poem printed in the article, "Echoes of the Great Famine in the Memoirs of Eyewitnesses and in Ukrainian Literature", by Dmytro Chob.
The Great Famine In Ukraine 1932-1933. Pages 129-130. The Ukrainian Orthodox Brotherhood of St.Volodymyr, Toronto, Canada,1988
"Golgotha" By Maksym Sahaydak, The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933/Poetry. Published in "Ethnocide of Ukrainians in the U.S.S.R. The Ukrainian Herald, Issue 7-8. An Underground Journal From Soviet Ukraine, Pages 169-170. Compiled by Maksym Sahaydak. Smoloskyp Publishers; Baltimore, 1981
Ukrainian Famine Victims Memorial Evening, The Great Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine, 1932-1933 (Holodomor), Ukrainian Famine Researchers Association, 20B Ivana Kudri Street, Kyiv, Ukraine, Novembro 20, 2000
Student Artwork, Through the Eyes of a Child. The Famine-Genocide of Ukraine 1932-1933], Art Exhibit Project, Toronto, Ontario, November 2000, Famine-Genocide in Ukraine 1932-1933, (acedido a Dezembro 17, 2006)
The Famine Genocide of Ukraine 1932-1933, The Windsor Viter Part 2 (Newsletter of the Ukrainian Canadian Business and Professional Association of Windsor), Volume 14, Number 3, November, 2003 Part 2, (acedido a Dezembro 17, 2006)