Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006), «Intersectionality – a theoretical inspiration in the analysis of minority cultures and identities in textbooks», in: Bruillard, Éric; Horsley, Mike; Aamotsbakken, Bente; et al., Caught in the Web or Lost in the Textbook, 8th IARTEM conference on learning and educational media, held in Caen in October 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IARTEM), pp. 61–76, OCLC799730084.Pdf.Arquivado em 14 de abril de 2008, no Wayback Machine.
Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006), «Intersectionality – a theoretical inspiration in the analysis of minority cultures and identities in textbooks», in: Bruillard, Éric; Horsley, Mike; Aamotsbakken, Bente; et al., Caught in the Web or Lost in the Textbook, 8th IARTEM conference on learning and educational media, held in Caen in October 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IARTEM), pp. 61–76, OCLC799730084.Pdf.Arquivado em 14 de abril de 2008, no Wayback Machine.
Knudsen, Susanne V. (2006), «Intersectionality – a theoretical inspiration in the analysis of minority cultures and identities in textbooks», in: Bruillard, Éric; Horsley, Mike; Aamotsbakken, Bente; et al., Caught in the Web or Lost in the Textbook, 8th IARTEM conference on learning and educational media, held in Caen in October 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands: International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media (IARTEM), pp. 61–76, OCLC799730084.Pdf.Arquivado em 14 de abril de 2008, no Wayback Machine.