Barrett, David B.; Kurian, George T.; Johnson, Todd M. (eds.). World Christian Encyclopedia. [S.l.: s.n.] ISBN0-19-507963-9. Consultado em 6 de maio de 2018. Arquivado do original em 6 de fevereiro de 2003 Much of its data is available online at the («World Christian Database». Consultado em 6 de maio de 2018. Arquivado do original em 4 de março de 2007) Mind-numbing in its details (with some areas of unique value), but the introduction and definitions in the paper edition are quite helpful to understanding.
«The 10/40 Window». The link is to the map, which is part of an extensive cover story.
Barrett, David B.; Kurian, George T.; Johnson, Todd M. (eds.). World Christian Encyclopedia. [S.l.: s.n.] ISBN0-19-507963-9. Consultado em 6 de maio de 2018. Arquivado do original em 6 de fevereiro de 2003 Much of its data is available online at the («World Christian Database». Consultado em 6 de maio de 2018. Arquivado do original em 4 de março de 2007) Mind-numbing in its details (with some areas of unique value), but the introduction and definitions in the paper edition are quite helpful to understanding.
World FactBook. [S.l.: s.n.], edition available in 1990. At the time, the authoritative source for socioeconomic and political metrics for every nation. Extreme poverty was denoted as under US$500 per capita GNP (in 1990 dollars). Human suffering was measured by the Quality of Life index, precursor to today's Human Development Index
Operation World provides a concise well-researched/cited data summary for each nation
Barrett, David B.; Kurian, George T.; Johnson, Todd M. (eds.). World Christian Encyclopedia. [S.l.: s.n.] ISBN0-19-507963-9. Consultado em 6 de maio de 2018. Arquivado do original em 6 de fevereiro de 2003 Much of its data is available online at the («World Christian Database». Consultado em 6 de maio de 2018. Arquivado do original em 4 de março de 2007) Mind-numbing in its details (with some areas of unique value), but the introduction and definitions in the paper edition are quite helpful to understanding.