Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Julia (linguagem de programação)" in Portuguese language version.
Predicate for testing if Julia is running in a JavaScript VM (JSVM), including e.g. a WebAssembly JavaScript embedding in a web browser.
I still keep running into problems that this causes internally because it was a breaking change that changes assumptions made by some users and inference/codegen.
JeffBezanson modified the milestones: 1.3, 1.4
Overhead for recording of single threaded processes is generally below 2x, most often between 2% and 50% (lower for purely numerical calculations, higher for workloads that interact with the OS). Recording multiple threads or processes that share memory (as opposed to using kernel-based message passing) is harder. [..] As expected, the threads test is the worst offender with about 600% overhead.
There are some size-based limits to which structs can be stack allocated, but they are unlikely to be exceeded in practice.