«Retrocesso das castas - 1 | Julius Evola». Centro Studi La Runa | Archivio di storia, tradizione, letteratura, filosofia. Online dal 1998 (em italiano). 1 de janeiro de 2000. Consultado em 26 de fevereiro de 2021
Paññobhāsa (David Reynolds) and formerly known as Paññobhāsa Bhikkhu, www.nippapanca.org, original text: It appears that Evola dearly loved the fact that the word generally used for “noble” in the Pali language is Ariya, the Pali equivalent of Sanskrit (and English) Arya. The four ariya-sacca, almost universally rendered as the four Noble Truths, Evola calls “the four truths of the Ariya”; with similar translations for “the eightfold path of the Ariya,” “the doctrine of the Ariya,” etc.
Eco, Umberto. "Ur-Fascism". The New York Review of Books, Vol. 42, No. 11 (1995), accessed February 12, 2017
García, R. B. (2021). Uma releitura da recepção de Mestre Eckhart por Heidegger à luz dos" Cadernos negros". Ekstasis: Revista de Hermenêutica e Fenomenologia, 10(1), 375-392. Download em Ekstasis, v. 10, n. 1 (2021)