Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Lenda Negra da Inquisição Espanhola" in Portuguese language version.
(ajuda)The cruell and barbarous Inquisition of Spayne... now it is practised agaynst them that be neuer so litle suspected to fauour the veritie of þe Lorde. The Spanyardes, and especially the great diuines there do hold, that this holy and sacrate Inquisition can not erre, and that the holy fathers the Inquisitours, can not be deceaued... Three sortes of men most principally be in daūger of these Inquisitours. They that bee greatly riche, for the spoyle of their goods. They that be learned, because they will not haue their misdealynges and secret abuses to be espyed and detected. They that begyn to encrease in honor and dignitie, leste they beyng in authoritie, should worke them some shame, or dishonor... yea and thoughe no worde bee spoken, yet if they beare any grudge or euill will agaynst the partie, incontinent they commaunde him to be taken, and put in an horrible prison, and then finde out crimes agaynst him at leasure, and in the meane tyme no man liuyng so hardye once to open his mouth for him. If the father speake one worde for his childe, he is also taken, and cast into prison, as a fauourer of heretickes. Neither is it permitted to any person, to enter to the prisoner: but there he is alone, in such a place, where he can not see so much as the groūde, where hee is, and is not suffred eithre to read or write, but there endureth in darkenes palpable, in horrors infinite, in feare miserable, wrastlyng with the assaultes of death... Adde more ouer to these distresses & horrors of the prison, the iniuries, threats, whippings & scourgings, yrons, tortures, & rackes, which they endure. Some tymes also they are brought out, and shewed forth in some higher place, to the people, as a spectacle, of rebuke and infamie... The accuser secret, the crime secret, the witnes secret: what soeuer is done, is secret, neither is the poore prisoner euer aduertised of any thyng.
The cruell and barbarous Inquisition of Spayne... now it is practised agaynst them that be neuer so litle suspected to fauour the veritie of þe Lorde. The Spanyardes, and especially the great diuines there do hold, that this holy and sacrate Inquisition can not erre, and that the holy fathers the Inquisitours, can not be deceaued... Three sortes of men most principally be in daūger of these Inquisitours. They that bee greatly riche, for the spoyle of their goods. They that be learned, because they will not haue their misdealynges and secret abuses to be espyed and detected. They that begyn to encrease in honor and dignitie, leste they beyng in authoritie, should worke them some shame, or dishonor... yea and thoughe no worde bee spoken, yet if they beare any grudge or euill will agaynst the partie, incontinent they commaunde him to be taken, and put in an horrible prison, and then finde out crimes agaynst him at leasure, and in the meane tyme no man liuyng so hardye once to open his mouth for him. If the father speake one worde for his childe, he is also taken, and cast into prison, as a fauourer of heretickes. Neither is it permitted to any person, to enter to the prisoner: but there he is alone, in such a place, where he can not see so much as the groūde, where hee is, and is not suffred eithre to read or write, but there endureth in darkenes palpable, in horrors infinite, in feare miserable, wrastlyng with the assaultes of death... Adde more ouer to these distresses & horrors of the prison, the iniuries, threats, whippings & scourgings, yrons, tortures, & rackes, which they endure. Some tymes also they are brought out, and shewed forth in some higher place, to the people, as a spectacle, of rebuke and infamie... The accuser secret, the crime secret, the witnes secret: what soeuer is done, is secret, neither is the poore prisoner euer aduertised of any thyng.