Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Mesas girantes" in Portuguese language version.
Precursor da hipnose, psicoterapia e do tratamento de doenças psicossomáticas foi taxado de charlatão, por causa do uso do magnetismo para curar.
When engaged in the investigation of table-turning, I constructed a very simple apparatus, serving as an index, to show the unconscious motions of the hands upon the table. The results were either that the index moved before the table, or that neither index nor table moved; and in numerous cases all moving power was annihilated. A universal objection was made to it by the table- turners. It was said to paralyse the powers of the mind but the experimenters need not see the index they may leave their friends to watch that, and their minds may revel in any power that their expectation or their all imagination can confer. So restrained, a dislike to the trial arises but what is that except a proof that whilst they trust themselves they doubt themselves, and are not willing to proceed to the decision, lest the trust which they like should fail them, and the doubt which they dislike rise to the authority of truth.
The conclusiveness of an experimental demonstration and the value of the experimental method are not affected either by the religious beliefs or private opinions of the individual to whom we are indebted for the demonstration, provided that it is a demonstration. The opinions of Sir William Crookes, of Sir Oliver Lodge, and the late Dr. Russel Wallace with reference to so-called "spiritualism" have not in the smallest degree lessened the value of their contributions to Chemistry, Physics, and Zoology.
...terminons en rappelant aux chréliens que l'Église a formellement condamné et rigoueusement interdit ce dangereux commerce avec les démons, seuls meneurs de ces tours.
Os fenômenos das mesas girantes e falantes, da suspensão etérea de corpos pesados, da escrita mediúnica, tão antigos quanto o mundo, porém vulgares hoje, facultam a explicação de alguns outros, análogos e espontâneos, aos quais, pela ignorância da lei que os rege, se atribuía caráter sobrenatural e miraculoso. Tais fenômenos têm por base as propriedades do fluido perispirítico, quer dos encarnados, quer dos Espíritos livres.
“What a weak credulous, superstitious, ridiculous world ours is, as far as concerns the mind of man. How full of inconsistencies, contradictions, and absurdities it is.” Those are not the words of some commentator bemoaning the lack of current critical thinking, although they well could be.
O relatório que a comissão publicou concluiu que não havia evidência científica do magnetismo animal e que as curas atribuídas a isto poderiam ter acontecido por remissão normal do problema ou esta cura era algum tipo de auto ilusão)
When engaged in the investigation of table-turning, I constructed a very simple apparatus, serving as an index, to show the unconscious motions of the hands upon the table. The results were either that the index moved before the table, or that neither index nor table moved; and in numerous cases all moving power was annihilated. A universal objection was made to it by the table- turners. It was said to paralyse the powers of the mind but the experimenters need not see the index they may leave their friends to watch that, and their minds may revel in any power that their expectation or their all imagination can confer. So restrained, a dislike to the trial arises but what is that except a proof that whilst they trust themselves they doubt themselves, and are not willing to proceed to the decision, lest the trust which they like should fail them, and the doubt which they dislike rise to the authority of truth.
Os fenômenos das mesas girantes e falantes, da suspensão etérea de corpos pesados, da escrita mediúnica, tão antigos quanto o mundo, porém vulgares hoje, facultam a explicação de alguns outros, análogos e espontâneos, aos quais, pela ignorância da lei que os rege, se atribuía caráter sobrenatural e miraculoso. Tais fenômenos têm por base as propriedades do fluido perispirítico, quer dos encarnados, quer dos Espíritos livres.
O relatório que a comissão publicou concluiu que não havia evidência científica do magnetismo animal e que as curas atribuídas a isto poderiam ter acontecido por remissão normal do problema ou esta cura era algum tipo de auto ilusão)
Precursor da hipnose, psicoterapia e do tratamento de doenças psicossomáticas foi taxado de charlatão, por causa do uso do magnetismo para curar.
...terminons en rappelant aux chréliens que l'Église a formellement condamné et rigoueusement interdit ce dangereux commerce avec les démons, seuls meneurs de ces tours.
“What a weak credulous, superstitious, ridiculous world ours is, as far as concerns the mind of man. How full of inconsistencies, contradictions, and absurdities it is.” Those are not the words of some commentator bemoaning the lack of current critical thinking, although they well could be.
Teste simples desmascara espíritos do tabuleiro ouija
The conclusiveness of an experimental demonstration and the value of the experimental method are not affected either by the religious beliefs or private opinions of the individual to whom we are indebted for the demonstration, provided that it is a demonstration. The opinions of Sir William Crookes, of Sir Oliver Lodge, and the late Dr. Russel Wallace with reference to so-called "spiritualism" have not in the smallest degree lessened the value of their contributions to Chemistry, Physics, and Zoology.