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Stanley Wong, 1973. "The 'F-Twist' and the Methodology of Paul Samuelson," American Economic Review, 63(3) p p. 312-325. Reprinted in J.C. Wood & R.N. Woods, ed., Milton Friedman: Critical Assessments, v. II, pp. 224-43. Preview.
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Kevin D. Hoover and Mark V. Siegler, 2008. "Sound and Fury: McCloskey and Significance Testing in Economics," Journal of Economic Methodology, 15(1), pp. 1–37; + same issue: McCloskey and Ziliak, "Signifying Nothing:
Reply to ..." [preprint] and Hoover and Siegler, "... Rejoinder to ..., pp. 39–68.
William Thomson, 1999. "The Young Person's Guide to Writing Economic Theory,"
Journal of Economic Literature, 37(1), pp. 157-183.Arquivado em 15 de junho de 2011, no Wayback Machine.
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