Vulink, NC (23 de agosto 2016). «Delusional Infestation: State of the Art.» 217 ed. Acta Dermato-venereologica. 96: 58–63. PMID27282746. doi:10.2340/00015555-2412
Moriarty, Natalie; Alam, Mariam; Kalus, Andrea; O'Connor, Kim (8 de julho 2019). «Current understanding and approach to delusional infestation» 12 ed. Am. J. Med. (Review). 132: 1401–1409. PMID31295443. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.06.017
Vulink, NC (23 de agosto 2016). «Delusional Infestation: State of the Art.» 217 ed. Acta Dermato-venereologica. 96: 58–63. PMID27282746. doi:10.2340/00015555-2412
Moriarty, Natalie; Alam, Mariam; Kalus, Andrea; O'Connor, Kim (8 de julho 2019). «Current understanding and approach to delusional infestation» 12 ed. Am. J. Med. (Review). 132: 1401–1409. PMID31295443. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2019.06.017