The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III ("APG III", en orden alfabético: Brigitta Bremer, Kåre Bremer, Mark W. Chase, Michael F. Fay, James L. Reveal, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis e Peter F. Stevens, además colaboraron Arne A. Anderberg, Michael J. Moore, Richard G. Olmstead, Paula J. Rudall, Kenneth J. Sytsma, David C. Tank, Kenneth Wurdack, Jenny Q.-Y. Xiang e Sue Zmarzty) (2009). «An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III.». Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (161): 105-121. Arquivado do original(pdf) em 25 de maio de 2017 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
Watson, L.; M. J. Dallwitz (1992). «The Families of Flowering Plants». The Families of Flowering Plants: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. Versión: 25ava, novembro del 2008 (em inglês). Consultado em 15 de janeiro de 2011A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
Chase, M.W.; Reveal, J.L.; Fay, M.F. (2009), «A subfamilial classification for the expanded asparagalean families Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae», Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 161 (2): 132–136, doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00999.x
Seberg, Ole; Petersen, Gitte; Davis, Jerrold I. ; Chris Pires, J. ; Stevenson, Dennis W.; Chase, Mark W.; Fay, Michael F.; Devey, Dion S.; Jørgensen, Tina; Sytsma, Kenneth J.; Pillon, Yohan (2012): Phylogeny of the Asparagales based on three Plastid and two mitochondrial genes. American Journal of Botany 99(5): 875-889. doi:10.3732/ajb.1100468
Joo-Hwan Kim, Dong-Kap Kim, Felix Forest, Michael F. Fay, Mark W. Chase: Molecular phylogenetics of Ruscaceae sensu lato and related families (Asparagales) based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequences. In: Annals of Botany. Volume 106, 2010, S. 775–790. doi:10.1093/aob/mcq167, PDF.
Vanessa Rojas-Piña, Mark E. Olson, Leonardo O. Alvarado-Cárdenas, Luís Enrique Eguiarte: Molecular phylogenetics and morphology of Beaucarnea (Ruscaceae) as distinct from Nolina, and the submersion of Calibanus into Beaucarnea. In: Taxon, Volume 63, Issue 6, 2014, S. 1193–1211. doi:10.12705/636.31
Pei-Luen Lu & Clifford W. Morden (2014): Phylogenetic Relationships among Dracaenoid Genera (Asparagaceae: Nolinoideae) Inferred from Chloroplast DNA Loci. Systematic Botany, 39(1): 90-104. doi:10.1600/036364414X678035
Joo-Hwan Kim, Dong-Kap Kim1, Felix Forest, Michael F. Fay, Mark W. Chase: Molecular phylogenetics of Ruscaceae sensu lato and related families (Asparagales) based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequences. In: Annals of Botany. Volume 106, n.º 5, 2010, pp. 775–790, DOI:10.1093/aob/mcq167.
Joo-Hwan Kim, Dong-Kap Kim, Felix Forest, Michael F. Fay, Mark W. Chase: Molecular phylogenetics of Ruscaceae sensu lato and related families (Asparagales) based on plastid and nuclear DNA sequences. In: Annals of Botany. Volume 106, 2010, S. 775–790. doi:10.1093/aob/mcq167, PDF.
The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III ("APG III", en orden alfabético: Brigitta Bremer, Kåre Bremer, Mark W. Chase, Michael F. Fay, James L. Reveal, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis e Peter F. Stevens, además colaboraron Arne A. Anderberg, Michael J. Moore, Richard G. Olmstead, Paula J. Rudall, Kenneth J. Sytsma, David C. Tank, Kenneth Wurdack, Jenny Q.-Y. Xiang e Sue Zmarzty) (2009). «An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III.». Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (161): 105-121. Arquivado do original(pdf) em 25 de maio de 2017 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)