Onda taiwanesa (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Onda taiwanesa" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
low place
low place
low place
low place
24th place
18th place
8th place
13th place
2,155th place
6,020th place
low place
low place
1,167th place
573rd place
1st place
1st place
38th place
54th place
117th place
118th place








  • Pauli (2 de fevereiro de 2010). «Rainie Yang releases Japanese version of "Youth Bucket" that fans do want». CpopAccess. Consultado em 7 de julho de 2017. The English-based Kpop blogosphere has made it known to western fans of the huge popularity of Kpop over in Japan, but what has not been reported is that Kpop is actually only one of two popular trends going on over in the land of the rising sun. The other trend, of course, is Taiwanese pop. We kid you not, and there’s even a word for it Japanese called 台流 (pronounced Tairyū), which literally means the influx of Taiwanese pop culture in Japan. 
  • Pauli (2 de fevereiro de 2010). «Rainie Yang releases Japanese version of "Youth Bucket" that fans do want». CpopAccess. Consultado em 7 de julho de 2013. The English-based Kpop blogosphere has made it known to western fans of the huge popularity of Kpop over in Japan, but what has not been reported is that Kpop is actually only one of two popular trends going on over in the land of the rising sun. The other trend, of course, is Taiwanese pop. We kid you not, and there’s even a word for it Japanese called 台流 (pronounced Tairyū), which literally means the influx of Taiwanese pop culture in Japan. This trend has been prevalent in Japan for quite some time though, with Taiwanese idol dramas like Meteor Garden, Hot Shot, and soon Autumn's Concerto making waves in Japan, while Japanese artists like Gackt making frequent visits to Taiwan for pleasure. 







