Philipp Lenard (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Philipp Lenard" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
low place
low place
1,190th place
479th place

  • Gabriel Palló (1997). «Fizikai Szemle; ELEKTRON ÉS ÉTERFIZIKA: LÉNÁRD FÜLÖP (1862-1947)». Academia Húngara de Ciências, seção de Ciências. Consultado em 12 de agosto de 2012. Written in Hungarian by the autobiography of the famous physicist: Philipp Lenard, Erinnerungen eines Naturwissenschaftlers, der Kaiserreich, Judenschaft und Hitler erleht hat. Geschrieben September 1930 bis Mrz 1931