Pinguim-macaroni (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Pinguim-macaroni" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
2nd place
4th place
3rd place
6th place
459th place
472nd place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,007th place
2,464th place
low place
low place
1,993rd place
1,136th place
4th place
8th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,179th place
2,406th place

  • Curry, Tiera. «Macaroni Penguin». Center for Biological Diversity website. Center for Biological Diversity. Consultado em 17 de novembro de 2008

  • Benstead, Phil; David Capper, Jonathan Ekstrom, Rachel McClellan, Alison Stattersfield, Andy Symes (2008). «Species Factsheet». BirdLife International. BirdLife International. Consultado em 16 de janeiro de 2009

  • Aubin T. (2004). «Penguins and their noisy world». Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências. 76 (2): 279–83. doi:10.1590/S0001-37652004000200015 
  • Searby A, Jouventin P, Aubin T (2004). «Acoustic recognition in macaroni penguins: an original signature system». Animal Behaviour. 67 (4): 615–25. doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2003.03.012 
  • Oehler DA, Pelikan S, Fry WR, Weakley Jr L, Kusch A, Marin M (2008). «Status of Crested Penguin (Eudyptes) populations on three islands in Southern Chile». The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 120 (3): 575–81. doi:10.1676/07-108.1 
  • Bost CA, Thiebot JB, Pinaud D, Cherel Y, Trathan PN (15 de maio de 2009). «Where do penguins go during the inter-breeding period? Using geolocation to track the winter dispersion of the macaroni penguin». Biology Letters. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2009.0265 
  • Brown CR, Klages NT (1987). «Seasonal and annual variation in diets of Macaroni (Eudyptes chrysolophus chrysolophus) and Southern Rockhopper (E. chrysocome chrysocome) penguins at sub-Antarctic Marion Island». Journal of Zoology. 212: 7–28. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1987.tb05111.x 
  • Green JA, Wilson RP, Boyd IL, Woakes AJ, Green CJ, Butler PJ (2008). «Tracking macaroni penguins during long foraging trips using 'behavioural geolocation'». Polar Biology. 32 (4): 645–53. doi:10.1007/s00300-008-0568-z 
  • Brooke MDL (2004). «The food consumption of the world's seabirds». Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 271 Suppl 4: S246–48. PMC 1810044Acessível livremente. PMID 15252997. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2003.0153 
  • Croxall JP, Prince PA (1980). «Food, feeding and ecological segregation of seabirds at South Georgia». Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 14: 103–31. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8312.1980.tb00101.x 
  • Trathan PN, Croxall JP, Murphy EJ, Everson I (1998). «Use of at-sea distribution data to derive potential foraging ranges of Macaroni Penguins during the breeding season». Marine Ecology Progress Series. 169: 263–75. doi:10.3354/meps169263 
  • Oehler DA, Fry WR, Weakley LA Jr, Marin M (2007). «Rockhopper and Macaroni Penguin Colonies Absent from Isla Recalada, Chile». The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 119 (3): 502–506. doi:10.1676/06-096.1 
  • Cresswell KA, Wiedenmann J, Mangel M (2008). «Can macaroni penguins keep up with climate- and fishing-induced changes in krill?». Polar Biology. 31 (5): 641–49. doi:10.1007/s00300-007-0401-0

  • «Macaroni Penguins». Heard Island and McDonald Islands. Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage, and the Arts. 2005. Consultado em 4 de novembro de 2008  |nome1= sem |sobrenome1= em Authors list (ajuda)

  • Bingham, Mike (2006). «Macaroni Penguin». International Penguin Conservation Work Group. Consultado em 13 de fevereiro de 2009