Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Plano Kalergi" in Portuguese language version.
É a teoria conspiratória conhecida como "plano Kalergi", que, por mais de uma década, tem circulado entre membros de diversos partidos nacionalistas e de extrema-direita da Europa
racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories have since developed that allege that Coudenhove-Kalergi devised a long-term scheme to undermine the white race by encouraging immigration into Europe, creating a populous devoid of identity who would supposedly be easily ruled by Jewish overlords.
Believers in the Kalergi plan think that Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian politician in the early 1900s, constructed a plan to destroy white people in Europe by encouraging immigration
O Plano Kalergi é antissemita and nacionalismo branco que gira em torno da filosofia e organização política de Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, um político austríaco do início da década de 1900 que fundou e presidiu a União Paneuropeia. Credita-se Kalergi por ter inspirado a formação da União Europeia, que ocorreria mais tarde
With respect to Europe, the mythology of the “Kalergi plan” plays a similar role in constructing the “white genocide” narrative. Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was an Austrian noble and early advocate of European integration. White nationalists mine his writings for evidence that the European Union is the culmination of a nefarious “plan” for white genocide put into motion decades ago.