Vidmer, Richards. "Giants Subdue Tigers in 11th". New York Herald Tribune. April 9, 1933. Retrieved December 13, 2018. "Rowe didn't exhibit any of his long-distance hitting ability after the game got started, but in the batting practice he parked a ball in the centerfield bleachers."
"Grays Beat Cubans Twice". New York Herald Tribune. July 19, 1948. Retrieved December 13, 2018. "In the nightcap Lucius [sic] Easter, of the winners, blasted a homer into the centerfield bleachers, nearly 500 feet from home plate."
Burley, Dan. "Hits Homer Into PG Bleachers, 490 Ft!". New York Amsterdam News. July 24, 1948. Retrieved December 13, 2018. "Luscious Easter, giant Homestead Grays left fielder, who last Sunday hit the longest home run in memory at the Polo Grounds when he laced a serve by lefthander Pat Scantlebury of the Cubans into the right centerfield bleachers, sixth row, 490 feet from home plate."
Walfoort, Cleon. "Aaron's Epic Homer in 'Book'; Braves Romp, 7-1". Milwaukee Journal. June 19, 1962. Retrieved December 13, 2018. "By a coincidence, Lou Brock of Chicago had become the first player ever to hit a ball into the bleachers to the right of the scoreboard only Sunday when the Cubs played a doubleheader here."