Hayek, Friedrich August von (1 de dezembro de 2015). «O Cálculo Socialista I::». MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics. pp. 367–385. doi:10.30800/mises.2015.v3.773. Consultado em 10 de fevereiro de 2021
Caplan, Bryan (2003). "Why I Am Not an Austrian Economist". George Mason University. "Austrians have overused the economic calculation argument. In the absence of detailed empirical evidence showing that this particular problem is the most important one, it is just another argument out of hundreds on the list of arguments against socialism. How do we know that the problem of work effort, or innovation, or the underground economy, or any number of other problems were not more important than the calculation problem?" Retrieved 21 April 2020.
Hayek, Friedrich August von (1 de dezembro de 2015). «O Cálculo Socialista I::». MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics. pp. 367–385. doi:10.30800/mises.2015.v3.773. Consultado em 10 de fevereiro de 2021