Olivier CE, Argentão DGP, Santos RAPG, Silva MD, Lima RPS, Zollner RL. Skin Scrape Test: An Inexpensive and Painless Skin Test for Recognition of Immediate Hypersensitivity in Children and Adults. The Open Allergy Journal 2013; 6:9-17. OAJArquivado em 3 de agosto de 2013, no Wayback Machine.
Olivier CE, Argentão DGP, Santos RAPG, Silva MD, Lima RPS, Zollner RL. Skin Scrape Test: An Inexpensive and Painless Skin Test for Recognition of Immediate Hypersensitivity in Children and Adults. The Open Allergy Journal 2013; 6:9-17. OAJArquivado em 3 de agosto de 2013, no Wayback Machine.