Receptor D4 de dopamina (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Receptor D4 de dopamina" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
4th place
8th place
43rd place
440th place
2nd place
4th place

  • Van Tol HH, Bunzow JR, Guan HC, Sunahara RK, Seeman P, Niznik HB, Civelli O (1991). «Cloning of the gene for a human dopamine D4 receptor with high affinity for the antipsychotic clozapine». Nature. 350 (6319): 610–4. PMID 1840645. doi:10.1038/350610a0

  • «Human PubMed Reference:» 
  • Van Tol HH, Bunzow JR, Guan HC, Sunahara RK, Seeman P, Niznik HB, Civelli O (1991). «Cloning of the gene for a human dopamine D4 receptor with high affinity for the antipsychotic clozapine». Nature. 350 (6319): 610–4. PMID 1840645. doi:10.1038/350610a0 
  • Neve KA, Seamans JK, Trantham-Davidson H (2004). «Dopamine receptor signaling». J. Recept. Signal Transduct. Res. 24 (3): 165–205. PMID 15521361