Schreiber, Peter (1996), «Johann August Grunert and his Archiv der Mathematik und Physik as an integrative factor of everyone's mathematics in the middle of the nineteenth century», in: Goldstein, Catherine; Gray, Jeremy; Ritter, Jim, Mathematical Europe: History, myth, identity, Paris: Ed. Maison des Sci. de l'Homme, pp. 431–444, MR1770139. See in particular pp. 435–437.
Kieser, Dietrich Georg; Carus, Carl Gustav; Behn, Wilhelm Friedrich Georg; Knoblauch, Carl Hermann; Wangerin, Albert (1900), Leopoldina (em alemão), 36, Halle, p. 132Faltam os |sobrenomes5= em Authors list (ajuda).
Schreiber, Peter (1996), «Johann August Grunert and his Archiv der Mathematik und Physik as an integrative factor of everyone's mathematics in the middle of the nineteenth century», in: Goldstein, Catherine; Gray, Jeremy; Ritter, Jim, Mathematical Europe: History, myth, identity, Paris: Ed. Maison des Sci. de l'Homme, pp. 431–444, MR1770139. See in particular pp. 435–437.