Reino de Macúria (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Reino de Macúria" in Portuguese language version.

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  • Wyzgol 2018, p. 287. Wyzgol, Maciej (2018). «A decorated bronze censer from the Cathedral in Old Dongola». Arqueologia Polonesa do Mediterrâneo; Centro Polonês de Arqueologia Mediterrânea. 26 (1): 773–786. doi:10.5604/01.3001.0012.1811 
  • Wyzgol 2018, Fig. 10. Wyzgol, Maciej (2018). «A decorated bronze censer from the Cathedral in Old Dongola». Arqueologia Polonesa do Mediterrâneo; Centro Polonês de Arqueologia Mediterrânea. 26 (1): 773–786. doi:10.5604/01.3001.0012.1811 
  • Wyzgol 2018, p. 785. Wyzgol, Maciej (2018). «A decorated bronze censer from the Cathedral in Old Dongola». Arqueologia Polonesa do Mediterrâneo; Centro Polonês de Arqueologia Mediterrânea. 26 (1): 773–786. doi:10.5604/01.3001.0012.1811 
  • Seignobos 2012, p. 307-311. Seignobos, Robin (2012). «The other Ethiopia: Nubia and the crusade (12th-14th century)». Annales d'Éthiopie. 27: 307–311. ISSN 0066-2127. doi:10.3406/ethio.2012.1470 
  • Ochala 2014, p. 36. Ochala, Grzegorz (2014). «Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches». Jornal de Papirologia Jurística [Journal of Juristic Papyrology]. Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies. 1. ISBN 978-0692229149. doi:10.5070/D61110007 
  • Ochala 2014, p. 41. Ochala, Grzegorz (2014). «Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches». Jornal de Papirologia Jurística [Journal of Juristic Papyrology]. Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies. 1. ISBN 978-0692229149. doi:10.5070/D61110007 
  • Ochala 2014, p. 36–37. Ochala, Grzegorz (2014). «Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches». Jornal de Papirologia Jurística [Journal of Juristic Papyrology]. Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies. 1. ISBN 978-0692229149. doi:10.5070/D61110007 
  • Ochala 2014, p. 37. Ochala, Grzegorz (2014). «Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches». Jornal de Papirologia Jurística [Journal of Juristic Papyrology]. Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies. 1. ISBN 978-0692229149. doi:10.5070/D61110007 
  • Ochala 2014, p. 43–44. Ochala, Grzegorz (2014). «Multilingualism in Christian Nubia: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches». Jornal de Papirologia Jurística [Journal of Juristic Papyrology]. Dotawo: A Journal of Nubian Studies. 1. ISBN 978-0692229149. doi:10.5070/D61110007 
  • Seignobos 2010, p. 14. Seignobos, Robin (2010). «La frontière entre le bilād al-islām et le bilād al-Nūba: enjeux et ambiguïtés d'une frontière immobile (VIIe-XIIe siècle)». Afriques. doi:10.4000/afriques.800 
  • Seignobos 2010, p. 15–16. Seignobos, Robin (2010). «La frontière entre le bilād al-islām et le bilād al-Nūba: enjeux et ambiguïtés d'une frontière immobile (VIIe-XIIe siècle)». Afriques. doi:10.4000/afriques.800

  • Godlewski 2014, pp. 161–162. Godlewski, Wlodzimierz (2014). «Dongola Capital of early Makuria: Citadel – Rock Tombs – First Churches». Berlim: Geburtstag von Steffen Wenig. Angelika Lohwasser, Pawel Wolf. Ein Forscherleben zwischen den Welten. 80. ISSN 0945-9502 
  • Godlewski 2014, p. 161. Godlewski, Wlodzimierz (2014). «Dongola Capital of early Makuria: Citadel – Rock Tombs – First Churches». Berlim: Geburtstag von Steffen Wenig. Angelika Lohwasser, Pawel Wolf. Ein Forscherleben zwischen den Welten. 80. ISSN 0945-9502 
  • Godlewski 2014, p. 10. Godlewski, Wlodzimierz (2014). «Dongola Capital of early Makuria: Citadel – Rock Tombs – First Churches». Berlim: Geburtstag von Steffen Wenig. Angelika Lohwasser, Pawel Wolf. Ein Forscherleben zwischen den Welten. 80. ISSN 0945-9502 
  • Hasan 1967, p. 29. Hasan, Yusuf Fadl (1967). The Arabs and the Sudan. From the seventh to the early sixteenth century. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press. OCLC 33206034 
  • Shinnie 1971, p. 45. Shinnie, P. L. (1971). «The Culture of Medieval Nubia and its Impact on Africa». In: Hasan, Yusuf Fadl. Sudan in Africa. Cartum: Imprensa da Universidade de Cartum. pp. 42–50. OCLC 248684619 
  • Vantini 1975, p. 318. Vantini, Giovanni (1975). Oriental Sources concerning Nubia. Heildeberga: Academia de Ciências de Heildeberga. OCLC 174917032 
  • Obłuski 2013, Tabela 1. Obłuski, Arthur; Godlewski, Włodzimierz; Kołątaj, Wojciech (2013). «The Mosque Building in Old Dongola. Conservation and revitalization project». Varsóvia: Arqueologia Polonesa do Mediterrâneo; Universidade de Varsóvia. 22: 248–272. ISSN 2083-537X 
  • Hasan 1967, p. 91. Hasan, Yusuf Fadl (1967). The Arabs and the Sudan. From the seventh to the early sixteenth century. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press. OCLC 33206034 
  • Hasan 1967, p. 92. Hasan, Yusuf Fadl (1967). The Arabs and the Sudan. From the seventh to the early sixteenth century. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press. OCLC 33206034 
  • Łajtar 2009, p. 93–94. Łajtar, Adam (2009). «Varia Nubica XII-XIX». The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. XXXIX: 83–119. ISSN 0075-4277 
  • Hendrickx 2018, p. 1, nota 1. Hendrickx, Benjamin (2018). «The Letter of an Ethiopian King to King George II of Nubia in the framework of the ecclesiastic correspondence between Axum, Nubia and the Coptic Patriarchate in Egypt and of the events of the 10th Century AD». Pharos Journal of Theology: 1–21. ISSN 2414-3324 
  • Hendrickx 2018, p. 17. Hendrickx, Benjamin (2018). «The Letter of an Ethiopian King to King George II of Nubia in the framework of the ecclesiastic correspondence between Axum, Nubia and the Coptic Patriarchate in Egypt and of the events of the 10th Century AD». Pharos Journal of Theology: 1–21. ISSN 2414-3324 
  • Łajtar 2009, p. 93-94. Łajtar, Adam (2009). «Varia Nubica XII-XIX». The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. XXXIX: 83–119. ISSN 0075-4277 
  • Gazda 2005, p. 93. Gazda, M. (2005). «Mameluke invasions on Nubia in the 13th Century. Some Thoughts on Political Interrelations in the Middle East». Danzigue: Museu Arqueológico de Danzigue. Gdansk African Reports. 3. ISSN 1731-6146 
  • Gazda 2005, p. 95. Gazda, M. (2005). «Mameluke invasions on Nubia in the 13th Century. Some Thoughts on Political Interrelations in the Middle East». Danzigue: Museu Arqueológico de Danzigue. Gdansk African Reports. 3. ISSN 1731-6146 
  • Seignobos 2012, p. 307-311. Seignobos, Robin (2012). «The other Ethiopia: Nubia and the crusade (12th-14th century)». Annales d'Éthiopie. 27: 307–311. ISSN 0066-2127. doi:10.3406/ethio.2012.1470