van der Veer, Peter; Steven Vertovec (1991). «Brahmanism Abroad: On Caribbean Hinduism as an Ethnic Religion». Ethnology. 30 (2): 149–166. JSTOR3773407. doi:10.2307/3773407A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
Chong, Kelly H. (1997). «What It Means to Be Christian: The Role of Religion in the Construction of Ethnic Identity and Boundary Among Second- Generation Korean Americans». Sociology of Religion. 59 (3): 259–286. JSTOR3711911. doi:10.2307/3711911
van der Veer, Peter; Steven Vertovec (1991). «Brahmanism Abroad: On Caribbean Hinduism as an Ethnic Religion». Ethnology. 30 (2): 149–166. JSTOR3773407. doi:10.2307/3773407A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
Chong, Kelly H. (1997). «What It Means to Be Christian: The Role of Religion in the Construction of Ethnic Identity and Boundary Among Second- Generation Korean Americans». Sociology of Religion. 59 (3): 259–286. JSTOR3711911. doi:10.2307/3711911