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Sedikides, Constantine; S. Horton, Robert S.; P. Gregg, Aiden (2007). «The Why's the Limit: Curtailing Self-Enhancement With Explanatory Introspection». Journal of Personality. 75 (4). ISSN0022-3506. PMID17576359. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2007.00457.x
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Sedikides, Constantine; S. Horton, Robert S.; P. Gregg, Aiden (2007). «The Why's the Limit: Curtailing Self-Enhancement With Explanatory Introspection». Journal of Personality. 75 (4). ISSN0022-3506. PMID17576359. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2007.00457.x