Carr, Gillian (2005). «Woad, Tattooing and Identity in Later Iron Age and Early Roman Britain». Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 24 (3): 273–292. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0092.2005.00236.x
Broadwell, Albert H. (27 de janeiro de 1900). «Sporting pictures on the human skin». Country Life Article describing work of society tattooist Sutherland MacdonaldArquivado em 3 de novembro de 2013, no Wayback Machine. refers to his clientele including "members of our Royal Family, among them H.R.H. the Duke of York, H.I.M. the Czarevitch, and Imperial and Royal members of Russian, German and Spanish courts...."
Broadwell, Albert H. (27 de janeiro de 1900). «Sporting pictures on the human skin». Country Life Article describing work of society tattooist Sutherland MacdonaldArquivado em 3 de novembro de 2013, no Wayback Machine. refers to his clientele including "members of our Royal Family, among them H.R.H. the Duke of York, H.I.M. the Czarevitch, and Imperial and Royal members of Russian, German and Spanish courts...."