CARVALHAES, Cláudio; PY, Fábio (16 de janeiro de 2018). «Teologia da Libertação no Brasil». Koinonia. Consultado em 19 de janeiro de 2018 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
"[David] Horowitz first describes liberation theology as 'a form of Marxised Christianity,' which has validity despite the awkward phrasing, but then he calls it a form of 'Marxist–Leninist ideology,' which is simply not true for most liberation theology..." Robert Shaffer, "Acceptable Bounds of Academic DiscourseArquivado em 4 de setembro de 2013, no Wayback Machine.," Organization of American Historians Newsletter 35, November, 2007. URL retrieved 12 July 2010.
Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé, "Instrução sobre alguns aspectos da 'Teologia da Libertação'", Origins 14/13 (13 de setembro de 1984). Versão online.
"[David] Horowitz first describes liberation theology as 'a form of Marxised Christianity,' which has validity despite the awkward phrasing, but then he calls it a form of 'Marxist–Leninist ideology,' which is simply not true for most liberation theology..." Robert Shaffer, "Acceptable Bounds of Academic DiscourseArquivado em 4 de setembro de 2013, no Wayback Machine.," Organization of American Historians Newsletter 35, November, 2007. URL retrieved 12 July 2010.