La teoria della continuità (1996), Bologna : Mulino
ISBN 88-15-05513-4, 779 pages [1]; Continuità dal Mesolitico all'età del Ferro nelle principali aree etnolinguistiche (2000) Bologna : Mulino, ISBN 88-15-07386-8, 1113 pages
«[Aline]i, Mario. The Paleolithic Continuity Theory on Indo-European Origins: An Introduction» "The sharp, and now at last admitted even by traditionalists (Villar 1991) [Villar, Francisco (1991), Los indoeuropeos y los orígines de Europa. Lenguaje y historia, Madrid, Gredos] differentiation of farming terminology in the different IE languages, while absolutely unexplainable in the context of Renfrew’s NDT, provides yet another fundamental proof that the differentiation of IE languages goes back to remote prehistory."