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Wells, Adrian; Matthews, Gerald (Novembro 1996). «Modelling cognition in emotional disorder: The S-REF model». Behaviour Research and Therapy. 34: 881–888. PMID8990539. doi:10.1016/S0005-7967(96)00050-2
Normann, Nicoline; van Emmerik, Arnold A. P.; Morina, Nexhmedin (Maio 2014). «The efficacy of metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression: a meta-analytic review». Depression and Anxiety. 31: 402–411. PMID24756930. doi:10.1002/da.22273
Moritz, Steffen; Lysaker, Paul H. (2018). «Metacognition – What did James H. Flavell really say and the implications for the conceptualization and design of metacognitive interventions». Schizophrenia Research (em inglês). 201: 20–26. PMID29903626. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2018.06.001
Reeve, R. A.; Brown, A. L. (1985). «Metacognition reconsidered: Implications for intervention research». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (em inglês). 13: 343–356. ISSN0091-0627. PMID4045006. doi:10.1007/BF00912721
Kurtz, Beth E.; Borkowski, John G. (1987). «Development of strategic skills in impulsive and reflective children: A longitudinal study of metacognition». Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (em inglês). 43: 129–148. PMID3559472. doi:10.1016/0022-0965(87)90055-5
Fergus, Thomas A.; Wheless, Nancy E.; Wright, Lindsay C. (Outubro 2014). «The attention training technique, self-focused attention, and anxiety: a laboratory-based component study». Behaviour Research and Therapy. 61: 150–155. PMID25213665. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2014.08.007
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Reeve, R. A.; Brown, A. L. (1985). «Metacognition reconsidered: Implications for intervention research». Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology (em inglês). 13: 343–356. ISSN0091-0627. PMID4045006. doi:10.1007/BF00912721