Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "The Story of Stuff" in Portuguese language version.
"The Story of Stuff," which was made in 2007
"The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard" is an engaging new short film that explains the "materials economy" in 20 fun-filled minutes. [...] The core themes of the Story of Stuff are: 1. The world is running up against resource limits. [...] 2. Corporate globalization is premised on externalizing costs -- making someone other than the companies that make things pay for the environmental and human costs of production. [...] 3. The corporate economy rests on the artificial creation of need -- "the golden arrow of consumption." [...] 4. Things can be different. And they must be made to be different.
“The Story of Stuff,” a 20-minute video about the effects of human consumption, has become a sleeper hit in classrooms across the nation. [...] Ms. Leonard put the video on the Internet in December 2007.