«Nycitymap». gis.nyc.gov. Consultado em 11 de junho de 2012
Father Duffy Square, New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. Accessed January 10, 2017. "Dominated in 1909 by a temporary eight-ton, fifty-foot statue by Leo Lentelli entitled Purity (Defeat of Slander), today this square—so central to the theater district—is defined by statues of George M. Cohan and Father Duffy, as well as a large public viewing grandstand along the north side."
Cowan, Alison Leigh. "Naked Cowboy Drops Out: No Singing Mayor in Briefs", The New York Times, September 4, 2009. Accessed January 10, 2017. "Running for mayor of New York City must have struck Robert Burck, the so-called Naked Cowboy of Times Square, as a good idea back in July."
Good Riddance Day, Times Square Alliance. Accessed January 10, 2017. "Good Riddance Day is inspired by a Latin American tradition in which New Year’s revelers stuffed dolls with objects representing bad memories before setting them on fire."