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Piper A, Merskey H (2004). «The persistence of folly: Critical examination of dissociative identity disorder. Part II. The defence and decline of multiple personality or dissociative identity disorder». Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 49 (10): 678–683. PMID15560314. doi:10.1177/070674370404901005
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Brand, B.L.; Loewenstein, R.J.; Spiegel, D. (2014). «Dispelling myths about dissociative identity disorder treatment: An empirically based approach». Psychiatry. 77 (2): 169–189. PMID24865199. doi:10.1521/psyc.2014.77.2.169
Ross CA (2009). «Errors of Logic and Scholarship Concerning Dissociative Identity Disorder». Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 18 (2): 221–231. PMID19306208. doi:10.1080/10538710902743982
Haltigan, John D.; Pringsheim, Tamara M.; Rajkumar, Gayathiri (1 de fevereiro de 2023). «Social media as an incubator of personality and behavioral psychopathology: Symptom and disorder authenticity or psychosomatic social contagion?». Comprehensive Psychiatry. 121. 152362 páginas. PMID36571927. doi:10.1016/j.comppsych.2022.152362