Por uma peculiaridade geográfica, o Brasil não tinha acesso prático à sua província de Mato Grosso – uma terra tão grande quanto a Alemanha – exceto pela rota fluvial Paraná-Paraguai: Williams 1979, p. 158. Não havia ligação ferroviária até a década de 1910 (Doratioto 2008, p. 26). A viagem terrestre do litoral do Brasil passou por um país ruim e levaria 3 meses em carroça puxada por cavalos: Thompson 1869, p. 39.Foi muito mais rápido navegar pelo Atlântico, subir o Rio da Prata e subir o Paraná-Paraguai: Doratioto 2008, p. 26; Burton 1870, p. 295. Williams, John Hoyt (1979). The Rise and Fall of the Paraguayan Republic, 1800–1870. Austin, TX: Institute of Latin American Studies; University of Texas Press. ISBN978-0-292-77017-1 Doratioto, Francisco (2008). Maldita guerra: Nueva historia de la Guerra del Paraguay (em espanhol). Buenos Aires: Emecé Editores. ISBN978-950-04-2574-2 Thompson, George (1869). The War In Paraguay: With a Historical Sketch of the Country and Its People and Notes Upon the Military Engineering of the War. London: Longman’s, Green and Co. Consultado em 23 de novembro de 2019 Doratioto, Francisco (2008). Maldita guerra: Nueva historia de la Guerra del Paraguay (em espanhol). Buenos Aires: Emecé Editores. ISBN978-950-04-2574-2 Burton, Sir Richard Francis (1870). Letters from the Battle-Fields of Paraguay. London: Tinsley Brothers. Consultado em 30 de novembro de 2019
Du Graty 1865, pp. 268–269. Du Graty, Alfred M. (1865). La République du Paraguay (em francês) 2nd ed. Brussels, Leipzig, Ghent, London: C. Muquardt, Trubner. Consultado em 9 Dez 2017
A ordem em que as assinaturas aparecem é explicada a seguir. Havia três exemplares originais do Tratado, sendo um retido pelo Brasil, um pela Argentina e um pelo Uruguai. De acordo com o uso diplomático, cada cópia nomearia primeiro o seu próprio país. Isto corrobora o fato de que a cópia vazada para o governo britânico – aquela publicada na maioria dos escritos eruditos – veio de de Castro, o representante uruguaio. Schneider 1902, p. 151, nota 1 por Paranhos. Schneider, Louis (1902). A Guerra da Tríplice Aliança contra o Governo da Republica do Paraguay. I. Rio de Janeiro: Garnier. Consultado em 23 de novembro de 2019
As indenizações de guerra (reivindicadas pelo Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai, mas nunca pagas e eventualmente canceladas) devem ser diferenciadas das reivindicações de cidadãos particulares por danos sofridos por eles pessoalmente durante a guerra. Estas últimas foram julgadas pela Comissão Mista Paraguaio-Argentina e pela Comissão Mista Paraguaio-Brasileira, que concederam indenizações totalizando aproximadamente 10 milhões de francos suíços a cidadãos argentinos e brasileiros, respectivamente. O Paraguai liquidou essas reivindicações entregando polizas (títulos do governo paraguaio), mas não está claro se esses títulos foram pagos: Warren & Warren 1985, pp. 138–9. Warren, Harris Gaylord; Warren, Katherine F. (1985). Rebirth of the Paraguayan Republic: The First Colorado Era, 1878–1904. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press. ISBN0-8229-3507-4
Lettsom to Earl Russell 1866, pp. 79-83: or see External links at the end of this article Lettsom to Earl Russell (1866). «Treaty of Alliance against Paraguay». Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons: Thirty-Nine Volumes: Session 1 February – 10 August 1866. 76. [S.l.]: House of Commons. pp. 79–83. Consultado em 23 de novembro de 2019
Strauss 1978, p. 23–24. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 24. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 25. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 26. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 27. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, pp. 28–29. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 29. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 30. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 31. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 32. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 33. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Cote 2013, pp. 743, 747–750. Cote, Stephen (2013). «A War for Oil in the Chaco, 1932–1935». Oxford University Press on behalf of Forest History Society and American Society for Environmental History. Environmental History. 18 (4): 783–758. JSTOR24690460. doi:10.1093/envhis/emt066
Cote 2013, pp. 751–752. Cote, Stephen (2013). «A War for Oil in the Chaco, 1932–1935». Oxford University Press on behalf of Forest History Society and American Society for Environmental History. Environmental History. 18 (4): 783–758. JSTOR24690460. doi:10.1093/envhis/emt066
Mesmo em 1929 quase não havia estradas pavimentadas ou pavimentadas na Argentina, fora das cidades; quase todas eram estradas de terra, originalmente criadas por carros de bois, intransitáveis aos veículos motorizados após uma única chuva torrencial: Tewksbury 1929, pp. iii, 7–8. Tewksbury, Howard H. (1929). The Automotive Market in Argentina. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. Consultado em 18 de novembro de 2019
Wheaton 1866, pp. 716–717. Wheaton, Henry (1866). Dana, Richard Henry, Jr, ed. Elements of International Law 8 ed. Boston: Little, Brown. Consultado em 21 de novembro de 2019
Mondain 1976, pp. 386–387. Mondain, Pierre (1976). «Un conflit oublié : la guerre du Paraguay contre la Triple Alliance (1864–1870)». Presses Universitaires de France. Revue Historique (em francês). 256 (2): 385–418. JSTOR40952519
Barclay 1917, pp. 258–259. Barclay, W. S. (1917). «The Geography of the South American Railways (Continued)». The Royal Geographical Society. The Geographical Journal. 49 (4): 241–247. JSTOR1779597
Mondain 1976, p. 388. Mondain, Pierre (1976). «Un conflit oublié : la guerre du Paraguay contre la Triple Alliance (1864–1870)». Presses Universitaires de France. Revue Historique (em francês). 256 (2): 385–418. JSTOR40952519
Lindsay 1935, p. 431. In 1935, noted Lindsay, 1,000 ton ships of 4 to 6 feet draft steamed from Buenos Aires to Corumbá. Lindsay, J. W. (1935). «The War over the Chaco: A Personal Account». Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. International Affairs. 14 (2): 231–340. JSTOR2602089
Ainda em 1960, o Paraguai dependia "quase completamente dos rios Paraguai-Paraná para o transporte de mercadorias" e do seu comércio internacional.: Gordon East 1960, p. 20. Gordon East, W. (1960). «The Geography of Land-Locked States: Presidential Address». Wiley on behalf of The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers). Transactions and Papers (Institute of British Geographers). 28 (28): 1–22. JSTOR621111
Chandler 1992, p. 435. Chandler, D.S. (1992). «The Politics of River Trade: Tradition and Development in the Upper Plata, 1780–1870 by Thomas Whigham». The MIT Press. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 23 (2): 435–436. JSTOR205349
Williams 1977, p. 234. Williams, John Hoyt (1977). «Foreign Tecnicos and the Modernization of Paraguay, 1840–1870». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. 19 (2): 233–257. JSTOR174705
Williams 1980, pp. 17–40. Williams, John Hoyt (1980). «The Undrawn Line: Three Centuries of Strife on the Paraguayan-Mato Grosso Frontier». University of Wisconsin Press. Luso-Brazilian Review. 17 (1): 17–40. JSTOR3513374
Ynsfran 1954, pp. 315, 318–321. Ynsfran, Pablo Max (1954). «Sam Ward's Bargain with President López of Paraguay». Duke University Press. The Hispanic American Historical Review. 34 (3): 313–331. JSTOR2508877
Pla 1970. Pla, Josefina (1970). «Los Britanicos en el Paraguay (1850–1870)». Pan American Institute of Geography and History. Revista de Historia de América (em espanhol). 70: 339–391. JSTOR20138938
Williams 1977, p. 256. Williams, John Hoyt (1977). «Foreign Tecnicos and the Modernization of Paraguay, 1840–1870». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. 19 (2): 233–257. JSTOR174705
Pla 1970, pp. 388–390. Pla, Josefina (1970). «Los Britanicos en el Paraguay (1850–1870)». Pan American Institute of Geography and History. Revista de Historia de América (em espanhol). 70: 339–391. JSTOR20138938
Stewart 1889, p. 175. Stewart, Dr. (William) (1889). «On the Inhabitants of Paraguay». Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. 18: 174–176. JSTOR2842414
Williams 1977, p. 252. Williams, John Hoyt (1977). «Foreign Tecnicos and the Modernization of Paraguay, 1840–1870». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs. 19 (2): 233–257. JSTOR174705
Ganson 1990, pp. 346–349. Ganson, Barbara J. (1990). «Following Their Children into Battle: Women at War in Paraguay, 1864–1870». Cambridge University Press. The Americas. 46 (3): 335–371. JSTOR1007017
"While Brazil had a huge national guard, that force was poorly equipped, untrained, and effectively useless – when the war began, the government created a new army rather than rely on the guard – and the standing army was a small, ill-trained force that consisted largely of press-ganged vagrants: Weisiger 2013, p. 9. In 1864 the Argentine army was not even strong enough to protect frontier communities from Indian raids: Lynch 1998, p. 16 Weisiger, Alex (2013). «War to the Death in Paraguay». Logics of War: Explanations for Limited and Unlimited Conflicts. [S.l.]: Cornell University Press. JSTOR10.7591/j.ctt1xx5pk.7. Consultado em 4 Fev 2023 Lynch, John (1998). Massacre in the Pampas, 1872: Britain and Argentina in the age of migration. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN0-8061-3018-0
Mondain 1976, p. 401. Mondain, Pierre (1976). «Un conflit oublié : la guerre du Paraguay contre la Triple Alliance (1864–1870)». Presses Universitaires de France. Revue Historique (em francês). 256 (2): 385–418. JSTOR40952519
Hudson 1925, pp. 273-292. Hudson, Manley O. (1925). «The Registration and Publication of Treaties». The American Society of International Law. The American Journal of International Law. 19 (2): 273–292. JSTOR2189254
Kleinpenning 2002, pp. 141–142. Kleinpenning, Jan M.G. (2002). «Strong Reservations about 'New Insights into the Demographics of the Paraguayan War'». Latin American Studies Association. Latin American Research Review. 37 (3): 137–142. JSTOR1512517
Strauss 1978, p. 23–24. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 24. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 25. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 26. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 27. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, pp. 28–29. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 29. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 30. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 31. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 32. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Strauss 1978, p. 33. Strauss, Norman T. (1978). «Brazil after the Paraguayan War: Six Years of Conflict, 1870–6». Cambridge University Press. Journal of Latin American Studies. 10 (1): 21–35. JSTOR155846. doi:10.1017/S0022216X00019726
Cote 2013, pp. 743, 747–750. Cote, Stephen (2013). «A War for Oil in the Chaco, 1932–1935». Oxford University Press on behalf of Forest History Society and American Society for Environmental History. Environmental History. 18 (4): 783–758. JSTOR24690460. doi:10.1093/envhis/emt066
Cote 2013, pp. 751–752. Cote, Stephen (2013). «A War for Oil in the Chaco, 1932–1935». Oxford University Press on behalf of Forest History Society and American Society for Environmental History. Environmental History. 18 (4): 783–758. JSTOR24690460. doi:10.1093/envhis/emt066
"While Brazil had a huge national guard, that force was poorly equipped, untrained, and effectively useless – when the war began, the government created a new army rather than rely on the guard – and the standing army was a small, ill-trained force that consisted largely of press-ganged vagrants: Weisiger 2013, p. 9. In 1864 the Argentine army was not even strong enough to protect frontier communities from Indian raids: Lynch 1998, p. 16 Weisiger, Alex (2013). «War to the Death in Paraguay». Logics of War: Explanations for Limited and Unlimited Conflicts. [S.l.]: Cornell University Press. JSTOR10.7591/j.ctt1xx5pk.7. Consultado em 4 Fev 2023 Lynch, John (1998). Massacre in the Pampas, 1872: Britain and Argentina in the age of migration. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN0-8061-3018-0
Bethell 1996, p. 6: 28,000–57,000 men plus reserves of 20,000–28,000 – "that is to say, virtually the entire adult male population was under arms" Bethell, Leslie (1996). «The Paraguayan War (1864–1870)»(PDF). London: Institute of Latin American Studies. ISBN1-900039-08-7. Consultado em 22 de novembro de 2019
Antes da guerra, a população do Brasil era de cerca de 10 milhões; a Argentina, cerca de 1,5 milhão; Paraguai, possivelmente 300-400.000: Bethell 1996, p. 66 Bethell, Leslie (1996). «The Paraguayan War (1864–1870)»(PDF). London: Institute of Latin American Studies. ISBN1-900039-08-7. Consultado em 22 de novembro de 2019