«Precise U-Pb ages of Duluth Complex and related mafic intrusions, northeastern Minnesota: Geochronological insights to physical, petrogenetic, paleomagnetic, and tectonomagmatic processes associated with the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift System». Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 98: 13997–14013. 1993. ISSN0148-0227. doi:10.1029/93JB01159
«Precise U-Pb ages of Duluth Complex and related mafic intrusions, northeastern Minnesota: Geochronological insights to physical, petrogenetic, paleomagnetic, and tectonomagmatic processes associated with the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift System». Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 98: 13997–14013. 1993. ISSN0148-0227. doi:10.1029/93JB01159