Vibhajjavāda (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Vibhajjavāda" in Portuguese language version.

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626th place
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40th place
17th place
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938th place
1,584th place
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  • Sarvastivada ("Doctrine That All Is Real"). Os sarvastivadins enfatizavam que os dhammas (fenômenos) são realidades eternamente existentes. Literalmente, era uma seita que enfatizava a existência de todas as coisas.

  • Lista sectária de Bhavya I e Abhidharmakośa de Vasubhandhu.
  • Mahavamsa: The Great Chronicle of Sri Lanka.
  • The Buddhist Way of Life: Its's Philosophy and History. This short survey of the first four Buddhist Councils or Conferences indicates that four chief schools held the field: (1) Theravadins; (2) Mahasanghikas; (3) Sammitiyas; (4) Sarvastivadins. "...(1) Theravadins: '...Two other names for this school are Sthaviravadins and Vibhajjavadins.'"
  • Introdução a Filosofia Budista: Vaibhāṣika (Detalhistas). Os seguidores desta escola eram adeptos do Mahāvibhāṣa Śāstra (oceano de detalhadas explanações, ou grandes explanações detalhadas), e dos textos do Abhidhamma (Sarvastivada) de modo geral. Eles argumentam que os três tempos - presente, passado e futuro - são substancialmente existentes, e se focam em identificar e classificar os componentes "últimos do real", que são denominados de dharmas - e é esse o sentido que a palavra dharma adquire nesse contexto. Esta escola tem origem muito antiga, compreendendo o ramo caxemira da escola Sarvastivada.
  • Developments during and after the third council. Hypothetical combined list. Sthaviravada > Vibhajjavada (prior to 240 BCE; during Asoka) > Theravada (c. 240 BCE). p.362.
  • State of Mind. "The council also saw the formation of the sangha of the Vibhajjavada ("school of analytical discourse") out of various schools of the Sthaviravada lineage."
  • A History of Indian Literature: Buddhist literature and Jaina literature. "There is no distiction in the chronicles between Theravada and Vibhajjavada; but Theravada is probably a general term meaning merely "authentic doctrine"."
  • Buddhist Sects in India. Chapter IX. Doctrines of Group V Schools. Sthaviravada or Theravada.

  • By Shw e Zan Aung, B.A and MRS. Rhys S. Davids, M.A. Points of Controversy or Subjects of Discourse., a translation of Kathavatthu from the Abhiddharma Pitaka. Pali Text Society. Chapter 8 - Of Some of the Past and Future as still Exist, pag. 101. Nota:. "From the Commentary.—The Theravadin by his questions seeks to break down the opinion, held by those seeeders from the Sabbatthivadins known as Kassapika's, that the past survives, as presently existing, in part."

  • Vibhajjavada vs. Sarvastivada? 'Those who say that all exists ​— ​the past, the fu­ture, and the present ​—​ are called "They who say that all ex­ists" or Sarvāstivādins.' 'Those who say that some things ex­ist, (such as) past ac­tions of which the re­sult has not ma­tured, and that some do not ex­ist, (such as) those deeds of which the con­se­quences have oc­curred and the things of the fu­ture; mak­ing cat­e­gories (or di­vi­sions), they are called in con­se­quence "They who speak of di­vi­sions" or Vibhajjavādins.' Bhavya I.
  • Vibhajjavada vs. Sarvastivada?

  • Sarvastivada. Sarvastivada is an early school of Buddhism that held to 'the existence of all dharmas in the past, present and future, the 'three times'. The Abhidharma Kosa-bhaṣya, a later text, states: "25c-d. He who affirms the existence of the dharmas of the three time periods [past, present and future] is held to be a Sarvastivadin."