The Catechism of the Council of Trent Translated Into English by Theodore Alois Buckley, ISBN 1-112-53771-6 pages 45-46 (Article III, Chapter VI, Question IX) [1]
Zwingli, Ulrich; Egli, Emil; Finsler, Georg; Zwingli-Verein, Georg; Zürich (1905). «Eini Predigt von der ewig reinen Magd Maria.». Huldreich Zwinglis sämtliche Werke (em alemão). 1. [S.l.]: C. A. Schwetschke und Sohn. p. 385. Consultado em 1 de julho de 2008A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, Volume 15 by John Wesley, Joseph Benson, Published by Thomas Cordeux, London, 1812, "A Letter to a Roman Catholic" page 110 [2]
The Truth about Islam & Jesus by John Ankerberg, Emir Caner 2009 ISBN 0-7369-2502-3 page 65 [3]
What Every Catholic Should Know about Mary by Terrence J. McNally 2009 ISBN 1-4415-1051-6 page 161 [4]
See, e.g., David Brown. «Commentary on Matthew 13:56». Commentary, Critical and Explanatory, on the Whole Bible. [S.l.: s.n.] Consultado em 7 de janeiro de 2009
Luther's Works, eds. Jaroslav Pelikan (vols. 1-30) & Helmut T. Lehmann (vols. 31-55), St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House (vols. 1-30); Philadelphia: Fortress Press (vols. 31-55), 1955, v.22:23 / Sermons on John, chaps. 1-4 (1539), quoted in Martin Luther on Mary's Perpetual VirginityArquivado em 21 de dezembro de 2008, no Wayback Machine.
D. MacCulloch, The Reformation: a History (Penguin Books, 2003) pp. 613-614; cf. Robert Schihl, The Perpetual Virginity of Mary for an extended list and quotations.
Luther's Works, eds. Jaroslav Pelikan (vols. 1-30) & Helmut T. Lehmann (vols. 31-55), St. Louis: Concordia Pub. House (vols. 1-30); Philadelphia: Fortress Press (vols. 31-55), 1955, v.22:23 / Sermons on John, chaps. 1-4 (1539), quoted in Martin Luther on Mary's Perpetual VirginityArquivado em 21 de dezembro de 2008, no Wayback Machine.