Visões cristãs sobre a Antiga Aliança (Portuguese Wikipedia)

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  • Colossians 2:14 is the origin of the term "cancelled" in New Covenant Theology.

  • Spurgeon, Charles (1864), «Sermon preached in June 1864 for the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Jews», The Christian Classics Ethereal Library, Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 10 
  • Karl Josef von Hefele's Commentary on canon II of Gangra notes: "We further see that, at the time of the Synod of Gangra, the rule of the Apostolic Synod with regard to blood and things strangled was still in force. With the Greeks, indeed, it continued always in force as their Euchologies still show. Balsamon also, the well-known commentator on the canons of the Middle Ages, in his commentary on the sixty-third Apostolic Canon, expressly blames the Latins because they had ceased to observe this command. What the Latin Church, however, thought on this subject about the year 400, is shown by St. Augustine in his work Contra Faustum, where he states that the Apostles had given this command in order to unite the heathens and Jews in the one ark of Noah; but that then, when the barrier between Jewish and heathen converts had fallen, this command concerning things strangled and blood had lost its meaning, and was only observed by few. But still, as late as the eighth century, Pope Gregory the Third 731 forbade the eating of blood or things strangled under threat of a penance of forty days. No one will pretend that the disciplinary enactments of any council, even though it be one of the undisputed Ecumenical Synods, can be of greater and more unchanging force than the decree of that first council, held by the Holy Apostles at Jerusalem, and the fact that its decree has been obsolete for centuries in the West is proof that even Ecumenical canons may be of only temporary utility and may be repealed by disuser, like other laws."
  • Against Heresies 3.12.12: "For all those who are of a perverse mind, having been set against the Mosaic legislation, judging it to be dissimilar and contrary to the doctrine of the Gospel, have not applied themselves to investigate the causes of the difference of each covenant. Since, therefore, they have been deserted by the paternal love, and puffed up by Satan, being brought over to the doctrine of Simon Magus, they have apostatized in their opinions from Him who is God, and imagined that they have themselves discovered more than the apostles, by finding out another god; and [maintained] that the apostles preached the Gospel still somewhat under the influence of Jewish opinions, but that they themselves are purer [in doctrine], and more intelligent, than the apostles."

  • Enciclopédia Judaica: Circuncisão: Na Literatura Apócrifa e Rabínica : "Contato com a vida grega, especialmente nos jogos da arena [que envolvia nudez], louca Essa distinção é desagradável para os helenistas ou antinacionalistas; e a conseqüência foi a tentativa deles de aparecer como os gregos pelo epispasm ("fazendo-se prepúcios"; I Macc. i. 15; Josefo, "Ant." xii. 5, § 1; Assumptio Mosis, viii .; I Cor. Vii. 18; Tosef., Shab. Xv. 9; Yeb. 72a, b; Yer. Peah i 16b; Yeb. Viii. 9a). Mais ainda, os judeus observadores da lei desafiam o decreto de Antíoco Epifânio proibindo a circuncisão (I Macc. I. 48, 60; ii. 46); e as mulheres judias mostraram sua lealdade à Lei, mesmo correndo o risco de suas vidas, circuncidando seus filhos por si mesmas."; Hodges, Frederick, M. (2001). [http: // «Preparação ideal na Grécia e Roma antigas: a estética genital masculina e sua relação com o lipodermo, a circuncisão, a restauração do prepúcio e o Kynodesme Journal = The Bulletin of the History of Medicine volume = 75»] Verifique valor |url= (ajuda) (PDF) (fall 2001): 375–405. PMID 11568485. doi:10.1353 / bhm.2001.0119 Verifique |doi= (ajuda). Consultado em 24 de julho de 2007

  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Gentiles: Gentiles May Not Be Taught the Torah
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Saul of Tarsus: Not a Hebrew Scholar; a Hellenist
  • Enciclopédia Judaica: Helenismo: "O judaísmo pós-exílico foi em grande parte recrutado dos exilados que consideravam sua tarefa principal preservar sua religião incontaminada, uma tarefa que exigia a estrita separação da congregação tanto de todos os povos estrangeiros ( Esdras x 11; Ne 2: ix 2) e dos habitantes judeus da Palestina que não observavam rigorosamente a Lei (Esdras 22: 29; Ne: 29)."
  • Enciclopédia Judaica: Circuncisão: Na Literatura Apócrifa e Rabínica : "Contato com a vida grega, especialmente nos jogos da arena [que envolvia nudez], louca Essa distinção é desagradável para os helenistas ou antinacionalistas; e a conseqüência foi a tentativa deles de aparecer como os gregos pelo epispasm ("fazendo-se prepúcios"; I Macc. i. 15; Josefo, "Ant." xii. 5, § 1; Assumptio Mosis, viii .; I Cor. Vii. 18; Tosef., Shab. Xv. 9; Yeb. 72a, b; Yer. Peah i 16b; Yeb. Viii. 9a). Mais ainda, os judeus observadores da lei desafiam o decreto de Antíoco Epifânio proibindo a circuncisão (I Macc. I. 48, 60; ii. 46); e as mulheres judias mostraram sua lealdade à Lei, mesmo correndo o risco de suas vidas, circuncidando seus filhos por si mesmas."; Hodges, Frederick, M. (2001). [http: // «Preparação ideal na Grécia e Roma antigas: a estética genital masculina e sua relação com o lipodermo, a circuncisão, a restauração do prepúcio e o Kynodesme Journal = The Bulletin of the History of Medicine volume = 75»] Verifique valor |url= (ajuda) (PDF) (fall 2001): 375–405. PMID 11568485. doi:10.1353 / bhm.2001.0119 Verifique |doi= (ajuda). Consultado em 24 de julho de 2007 
  • S & search = Paul% 20of% 20Tarsus # 968 Enciclopédia Judaica: Saulo de Tarso: Proselitismo Judaico e Paulo: "Na verdade, somente a propaganda judaica trabalha ao longo do Mediterrâneo. O Mar de Coréia tornou possível a Paulo e seus associados estabelecer o cristianismo entre os gentios, como é expressamente registrado nos Atos (Atos 10:2; Apocalipse 13:16, Atos 13:26, Atos 13:43, Atos 13:50; Atos 16:14; Atos 17:4, Atos 17:17; Atos 18:7); e é exatamente a partir de tais manuais de sinagoga para prosélitos, como a Didache e a Didascalia, que os ensinamentos éticos nas epístolas de Paulo e de Pedro foram derivados (ver Seeberg, "Der Katechismus der Urchristenheit", 1903, pp. 1-44)."
  • Jewish law or Halakha was formalized later, see Jewish Encyclopedia: Jesus of Nazareth: Attitude Toward the Law: "Jesus, however, does not appear to have taken into account the fact that the Halakah was at this period just becoming crystallized, and that much variation existed as to its definite form; the disputes of the Bet Hillel and Bet Shammai were occurring about the time of his maturity."
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Baptism: "According to rabbinical teachings, which dominated even during the existence of the Temple (Pes. viii. 8), Baptism, next to circumcision and sacrifice, was an absolutely necessary condition to be fulfilled by a proselyte to Judaism (Yeb. 46b, 47b; Ker. 9a; 'Ab. Zarah 57a; Shab. 135a; Yer. Kid. iii. 14, 64d). Circumcision, however, was much more important, and, like baptism, was called a "seal" (Schlatter, "Die Kirche Jerusalems," 1898, p. 70). But as circumcision was discarded by Christianity, and the sacrifices had ceased, Baptism remained the sole condition for initiation into religious life. The next ceremony, adopted shortly after the others, was the imposition of hands, which, it is known, was the usage of the Jews at the ordination of a rabbi. Anointing with oil, which at first also accompanied the act of Baptism, and was analogous to the anointment of priests among the Jews, was not a necessary condition."
  • Jewish Encyclopedia: Gentile: Judaism not hostile to Gentiles: "In judging the halakic enactments one must keep in mind not merely the situation of the Jews—engaged in a bitter struggle for self-preservation and exposed to all sorts of treachery and suffering from persecution—but also the distinction between law and equity. The law can not and does not recognize the right of demented persons, minors, or aliens to hold property. Even modern statutes are based on this principle; e.g., in the state of Illinois, U. S. A., an alien can not inherit real estate. But what the law denies, equity confers. The Talmudic phrase "mi-pene darke shalom" ("on account of the ways of peace"; see below) is the equivalent of the modern "in equity.""

  • Enciclopédia Judaica: Circuncisão: Na Literatura Apócrifa e Rabínica : "Contato com a vida grega, especialmente nos jogos da arena [que envolvia nudez], louca Essa distinção é desagradável para os helenistas ou antinacionalistas; e a conseqüência foi a tentativa deles de aparecer como os gregos pelo epispasm ("fazendo-se prepúcios"; I Macc. i. 15; Josefo, "Ant." xii. 5, § 1; Assumptio Mosis, viii .; I Cor. Vii. 18; Tosef., Shab. Xv. 9; Yeb. 72a, b; Yer. Peah i 16b; Yeb. Viii. 9a). Mais ainda, os judeus observadores da lei desafiam o decreto de Antíoco Epifânio proibindo a circuncisão (I Macc. I. 48, 60; ii. 46); e as mulheres judias mostraram sua lealdade à Lei, mesmo correndo o risco de suas vidas, circuncidando seus filhos por si mesmas."; Hodges, Frederick, M. (2001). [http: // «Preparação ideal na Grécia e Roma antigas: a estética genital masculina e sua relação com o lipodermo, a circuncisão, a restauração do prepúcio e o Kynodesme Journal = The Bulletin of the History of Medicine volume = 75»] Verifique valor |url= (ajuda) (PDF) (fall 2001): 375–405. PMID 11568485. doi:10.1353 / bhm.2001.0119 Verifique |doi= (ajuda). Consultado em 24 de julho de 2007


  • The Roman Catholic and Lutheran numbering of the Ten Commandments, which are often abbreviated for catechetical purposes (see Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Ten Commandments), differs from that followed by other Protestants.
  • Rousas John Rushdoony, The Institutes of Biblical Law. (Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed Pub. Co., 1973).
  • Jewish law or Halakha was formalized later, see Jewish Encyclopedia: Jesus of Nazareth: Attitude Toward the Law: "Jesus, however, does not appear to have taken into account the fact that the Halakah was at this period just becoming crystallized, and that much variation existed as to its definite form; the disputes of the Bet Hillel and Bet Shammai were occurring about the time of his maturity."
  • Karl Josef von Hefele's Commentary on canon II of Gangra notes: "We further see that, at the time of the Synod of Gangra, the rule of the Apostolic Synod with regard to blood and things strangled was still in force. With the Greeks, indeed, it continued always in force as their Euchologies still show. Balsamon also, the well-known commentator on the canons of the Middle Ages, in his commentary on the sixty-third Apostolic Canon, expressly blames the Latins because they had ceased to observe this command. What the Latin Church, however, thought on this subject about the year 400, is shown by St. Augustine in his work Contra Faustum, where he states that the Apostles had given this command in order to unite the heathens and Jews in the one ark of Noah; but that then, when the barrier between Jewish and heathen converts had fallen, this command concerning things strangled and blood had lost its meaning, and was only observed by few. But still, as late as the eighth century, Pope Gregory the Third 731 forbade the eating of blood or things strangled under threat of a penance of forty days. No one will pretend that the disciplinary enactments of any council, even though it be one of the undisputed Ecumenical Synods, can be of greater and more unchanging force than the decree of that first council, held by the Holy Apostles at Jerusalem, and the fact that its decree has been obsolete for centuries in the West is proof that even Ecumenical canons may be of only temporary utility and may be repealed by disuser, like other laws."
  • For example: Joseph Fitzmyer, The Acts of the Apostles (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries), Yale University Press (December 2, 1998), ISBN 0-300-13982-9, chapter V
  • McGrath, Alister E., Christianity: An Introduction, Blackwell Publishing,(2006), ISBN 1-4051-0899-1, Page 174: "In effect, they [Jewish Christians] seemed to regard Christianity as an affirmation of every aspect of contemporary Judaism, with the addition of one extra belief — that Jesus was the Messiah. Unless males were circumcised, they could not be saved (Atos 15:1)."
  • Krister Stendahl argued in ."The Apostle Paul and the Introspective Conscience of the West". Harvard Theological Review 56 (1963), pp. 199–215. Reprinted in Paul Among Jews and Gentiles (Philadelphia: Fortress), 1976, pp. 78–96., that since Augustine, Western commentators have misunderstood Paul, due to an overly active conscience.
  • The Law, the Gospel, and the Modern Christian: Five Views by Willem A. VanGemeren (Contributor), Greg L. Bahnsen (Contributor), Walter C. Kaiser Jr. (Contributor), Wayne G. Strickland (Contributor), Douglas J. Moo (Contributor); Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1993. ISBN 978-0-310-53321-4