Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "William Masters" in Portuguese language version.
"Dr. William H. Masters, who with his co-researcher, Virginia E. Johnson, revolutionized the way sex is studied, taught and enjoyed in America, died Friday at a hospice in Tucson. He was 85 and had lived in retirement since 1994, first in St. Louis and then in Tucson. He suffered complications from Parkinson's disease, said his wife, Geraldine Baker Oliver Masters." trad: Dr. William H. Masters que, junto à co-investigadora Virgínia E. Johnson, revolucionou o modo como o sexo é estudado, ensinado e praticado na América, morreu sexta-feira em um hospital de Tucson. Ele tinha 85 anos e estava aposentado desde 1994, primeiro morando em St. Louis e então em Tucson. Ele sofreu complicações do mal de Parkinson, disse sua esposa, Geraldine Baker Oliver Masters.