Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Antifa (Statele Unite ale Americii)" in Romanian language version.
Anti-facists of the movement tend to be grouped on the leftward fringes of the US political spectrum, many describing themselves as socialists, anarchists, communists or anti-capitalists.
Antifa is anti-government and anti-capitalist, and their methodologies are often perceived as more closely aligned with anarchists than the mainstream left.
Antifa [...] is a movement of militant leftist activists promoting direct action against white supremacists and fascists.
Antifa, a militant anti-fascist political movement [...].
The alt-right demonstrators are frequently confronted by anti-Trump progressive groups, including militant antifa and anarchist factions.
NBC Bay Area sat down with several militant Antifa protesters...
[...] the diverse collection of anarchists, communists and socialists has found common cause in opposing right-wing extremists and white supremacists.
[...] antifa is heavily composed of anarchists [...].
What Trump said made the book seem even more urgent. Rushed into print after the US president said there were 'fine people on both sides' of the Charlottesville clashes, Mark Bray's guide provides tactics for those hoping to 'defeat the resurgent far right.'
For the most part, these are pan-leftist groups composed of leftists of different stripes. They all seem to have different views of what they think the ideal social order looks like. Some of them are Marxists, some are Leninists, some are social democrats or anarchists.
It was a call to arms for militant anti-fascists, or "antifa" – and Hines was heeding it.
And its politics are not just negatory — they also aim to adapt "preexisting socialist, anarchist, and communist currents to a sudden need to react to the fascist menace.