Aruncarea cu banul (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Aruncarea cu banul" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
8th place
14th place
50th place
51st place

  • „Hague savours local victories”. BBC News. . Accesat în . There are two methods to decide the outcome in the event of a draw - either a coin is flipped or the parties draw straws. 
  • „The count”. Vote2001. BBC News. . Accesat în . He or she [the returning officer] can use any random method such as tossing a coin, but the recommended way is to ask each candidate to write their name on a blank slip of paper and place it in a container.

  • „UEFA EURO 1968 - History - Italy-USSR –”,, , accesat în