Benjamin Disraeli (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Benjamin Disraeli" in Romanian language version.

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43rd place
2nd place
26th place
69th place
284th place
353rd place
3rd place
6th place
low place
low place
124th place
7th place
6th place
23rd place
5th place
11th place
511th place
12th place
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2,043rd place
2,336th place
35th place
179th place
36th place
1,244th place
54th place
4,061st place
3,374th place
4,082nd place
3,724th place
32nd place
1,079th place
low place
low place
146th place
730th place
367th place
854th place
485th place
403rd place
8th place
14th place
2,617th place
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low place
low place
low place
low place
3,553rd place
4,232nd place
699th place
1,392nd place
30th place
92nd place
2,734th place
8,491st place
4,932nd place
6,186th place
274th place
262nd place
34th place
147th place
248th place
1,937th place

  • Ezratty, Harry A. (mai 2010). „Adam Kirsch: Benjamin Disraeli” (PDF). The Journal of the Academy for Jewish Religion. 6 (1). ISSN 1944-3501. Arhivat din original (PDF) la . Accesat în . Benjamin's mother had the true Sephardic pedigree he was looking for. He needn't have fabricated one. Not only was she related to the accomplished and wealthy Montefiores, she was a descendant of the distinguished Basevi and Aboab Cardoso families. Isaac Aboab Cardoso was the last gaon of Castile who in 1492 negotiated the movement of Jewish exiles from Spain to Portugal. She was the fourth generation of her family living in England. That would have been an easier and more truthful bloodline to follow, but for some unknown reason Disraeli did not avail himself of it.

  • Ezratty, Harry A. (mai 2010). „Adam Kirsch: Benjamin Disraeli” (PDF). The Journal of the Academy for Jewish Religion. 6 (1). ISSN 1944-3501. Arhivat din original (PDF) la . Accesat în . Benjamin's mother had the true Sephardic pedigree he was looking for. He needn't have fabricated one. Not only was she related to the accomplished and wealthy Montefiores, she was a descendant of the distinguished Basevi and Aboab Cardoso families. Isaac Aboab Cardoso was the last gaon of Castile who in 1492 negotiated the movement of Jewish exiles from Spain to Portugal. She was the fourth generation of her family living in England. That would have been an easier and more truthful bloodline to follow, but for some unknown reason Disraeli did not avail himself of it.

  • Diana Moore, "Romances of No-Popery: Transnational Anti-Catholicism in Giuseppe Garibaldi's The Rule of the Monk and Benjamin Disraeli's Lothair." Catholic Historical Review 106.3 (2020): 399-420 online.

  • See also Anthony S. Wohl, "'Ben JuJu': Representations of Disraeli's Jewishness in the Victorian political cartoon." Jewish history 10.2 (1996): 89-134 online

  • După 1824, strada a fost redenumită Theobald's Road⁠(d);[12] o placă comemorativă marchează clădirea actuală de pe Theobald's Road nr. 22 ca fiind locul unde s-a născut Disraeli.[13][14]
  • Printre strămoșii mamei lui Disraeli se numărau Isaac Aboab⁠(d), ultimul gaon⁠(d) al Castiliei, familia Cardoso (printre ai cărei membri s-au numărat Isaac Cardoso⁠(d) și Miguel Cardoso⁠(d)) și alte familii de seamă; The Times a scris că Disraeli are „din cel mai bun sânge dintre evrei”.[20]
  • Renunțarea la iudaism era ceva destul de obișnuit în rândul familiilor sefarde înstărite spre sfârșitul perioadei Georgiane⁠(d).[32]
  • Pe drumul lor, cei doi s-au întâlnit cu Giovanni Battista Falcieri⁠(d) ("Tita"), fostul servitor al lui Lord Byron, care i-a însoțit apoi și care în cele din urmă s-a întors în Anglia împreună cu Disraeli.[61]
  • Termenul Conservative (conservator) fusese folosit din ce în ce mai mult de pe la începutul anilor 1830, și a fost activ promovat de partid în alegerile din 1837.[96] Cei doi termeniau fost folosiți alternativ din acel moment încolo,[97] dar în anii 1840 nu mai erau considerați interșanjabili. Istoricul Roy Douglas⁠(d) scrie: „Poate cel mai sigur mod de a ne gândi la originile partidului este să luăm aminte că, pe la 1830, Partidele Whig și Tory au început să se dezintegreze, și abia la sfârșitul anilor 1860 au apărut Partidele Liberal și Conservator într-o formă ce poate fi clar recunoscută."[98] În anii 1840, Disraeli a aplicat termenul „Conservatori” pentru Peeliți și nu pe cel de Tory din care Peel se separase.[99]
  • Lord Ellenborough⁠(d), președintele Comisiei de Control⁠(d), demisionase în urma unei crize politice legate de felul cum supervizase guvernarea Indiei.[152]
  • Gladstone a produs multă surprindere prin această manevră; l-a transferat pe ministrul de finanțe de până atunci, Robert Lowe, la Interne. Lord Ripon⁠(d) a ieșit din guvern, lăsând liber locul de președinte al Consiliului de Coroană⁠(d) pentru Henry Bruce⁠(d), care a venit de la Interne.[183]
  • Conform biografului lui Disraeli, Stanley Weintraub⁠(d), printre zvonurile despre ultimele lui ore s-au numărat cel cum că ar fi chemat un iezuit să-l primească în Biserica Catolică pe patul de moarte,[263] sau că Disraeli ar fi apucat mâna prietenului său Sir Philip Rose⁠(d) și ar fi murmurat: „Există—un singur Dumnezeu—al lui Israel!", pe care biograful o identifică drept o versiune de Shema, crezul iudaic într-un unic dumnezeu.[263] "More likely", Weintraub a tras concluzia: „Disraeli a murit așa cum a trăit, un sceptic confirmat, în tradiția tatălui său.”[263]
  • Дизраэли Бенджамин, Marea Enciclopedie Sovietică (1969–1978)[*] 
  • CONOR[*][[CONOR (authority control file for author and corporate names in Slovene system COBISS)|​]]  Verificați valoarea |titlelink= (ajutor)
  • Goldman, Lawrence⁠(d), Hilton, Boyd⁠(d) and Schonhardt-Bailey, Cheryl⁠(d). "The Corn Laws", BBC Radio 4, 24 October 2013, 31:00 minute
  • Baer, Werner⁠(d), "The Promoting and the Financing of the Suez Canal", The Business History Review, decembrie 1956, p. 379 (necesită abonare)
  • Sandra Mayer, "Portraits of the Artist as Politician, the Politician as Artist: Commemorating the Disraeli Phenomenon." Journal of Victorian Culture⁠(d) 21.3 (2016): 281–300.
  • Richard G. Weeks, "Disraeli as political egotist: a literary and historical investigation." Journal of British Studies⁠(d) 28.4 (1989): 387-410. online
  • Richard Shannon⁠(d), The Age of Disraeli, 1868-1881: The Rise of Tory Democracy (1992) pp. 199-210
  • James D. Merritt, "The Novelist St. Barbe in Disraeli's Endymion: Revenge on Whom?", Nineteenth-Century Fiction⁠(d), iunie 1968, pp. 85–88
  • Roland Quinault, "The Great Rivalry," History Today⁠(d) (Nov 2013) 63.11 p 61.

  • Unii oameni, mai ales adversari ai lui Disraeli, au continuat să includă apostroful când îi scriau numele. Lord Lincoln⁠(en)[traduceți] scria despre „D'Israeli” într-o scrisoare adresată lui Sir Robert Peel în 1846.[42] Peel răspundea la fel.[43] Abia după câțiva ani, a renunțat The Times la apostrof și a scris corect numele lui Disraeli.[44] Chiar în anii 1870, spre sfârșitul carierei lui Disraeli, această practică a continuat.[45]

  • Wolf, Lucien (). „The Disraeli Family”. Transactions (Jewish Historical Society of England). 5: 202–218. ISSN 2047-2331. When Isaac D'Israeli married Maria Basevi, he became related, through his brother-in-law, Joshua Basevi, and his sister-in-law, Sarah Basevi, to all the leading Jewish families of the day – the Lindos, the Lumbrozo de Mattos Mocattas, the Mendez da Costas, the Ximenes, the Montefiores, the Lousadas, and the Goldsmids. 
  • Ezratty, Harry A. (mai 2010). „Adam Kirsch: Benjamin Disraeli” (PDF). The Journal of the Academy for Jewish Religion. 6 (1). ISSN 1944-3501. Arhivat din original (PDF) la . Accesat în . Benjamin's mother had the true Sephardic pedigree he was looking for. He needn't have fabricated one. Not only was she related to the accomplished and wealthy Montefiores, she was a descendant of the distinguished Basevi and Aboab Cardoso families. Isaac Aboab Cardoso was the last gaon of Castile who in 1492 negotiated the movement of Jewish exiles from Spain to Portugal. She was the fourth generation of her family living in England. That would have been an easier and more truthful bloodline to follow, but for some unknown reason Disraeli did not avail himself of it.