Camizol (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Camizol" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
6th place
23rd place
3rd place
6th place
657th place
406th place

  • Little, William G.; Coulson, Jessie Senior; Fowler, H.W. (). Onions, C.T., ed. The shorter Oxford English dictionary on historical principlesNecesită înregistrare gratuită. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 272. ISBN 0-19-861126-9. 1816.... 1. Formerly applied to jackets of various kinds. 2. A woman's underbodice 1894.

  • „camisole definition: Unabridged (v 1.1)”. Random House Unabridged Dictionary. Random House. . Accesat în . 1. a short garment worn underneath a sheer bodice to conceal the underwear. 2. a woman's negligee jacket. 3. a sleeved jacket or jersey once worn by men. 4. a straitjacket with long sleeves.