Carol Temerarul (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Carol Temerarul" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • Charles le Téméraire is more accurately translated in English as 'the Rash'. However, the English speaking world generally refers to Charles as 'the Bold'. The history of Charles' epithets is complex: le Hardi (the Bold) may be Burgundian propaganda: far from being a nineteenth century historians' appellation, he was already labelled Temerarius by the French in 1477. [1] Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.

  • „Les mausolées de Marie de Bourgogne et de Charles le Téméraire”. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în .

  • Charles le Téméraire is more accurately translated in English as 'the Rash'. However, the English speaking world generally refers to Charles as 'the Bold'. The history of Charles' epithets is complex: le Hardi (the Bold) may be Burgundian propaganda: far from being a nineteenth century historians' appellation, he was already labelled Temerarius by the French in 1477. [1] Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.
  • „Les mausolées de Marie de Bourgogne et de Charles le Téméraire”. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în .