en Szász, Zoltán; The End of Hungarian Rule in Transylvania in Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Science's History of Transylvania, Vol. III – From 1830 to 1919, XIV - Revolutions and national movements after the collapse of the monarchy (1918-1919); Atlantic Research and Publications, Inc.; 2001-2002; pp. 3-753; accesat la 05 februarie 2016
en Szász, Zoltán; The Socialist Alternative: A Soviet Republic in Institute of History of the Hungarian Academy of Science's History of Transylvania, Vol. III – From 1830 to 1919, XIV - Revolutions and national movements after the collapse of the monarchy (1918-1919); Atlantic Research and Publications, Inc.; 2001-2002; pp. 3-753; accesat la 09 martie 2017