Cretacic (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Cretacic" in Romanian language version.

Global rank Romanian rank
3rd place
6th place
low place
6,622nd place
6,156th place
3,400th place
580th place
396th place
9,502nd place
5,500th place
424th place
526th place
2nd place
3rd place

  • d’Halloy, d’O., J.-J. (). „Observations sur un essai de carte géologique de la France, des Pays-Bas, et des contrées voisines” [Observations on a trial geological map of France, the Low Countries, and neighboring countries]. Annales des Mines ... 7: 353–376.  From page 373: "La troisième, qui correspond à ce qu'on a déja appelé formation de la craie, sera désigné par le nom de terrain crétacé." (The third, which corresponds to what was already called the "chalk formation", will be designated by the name "chalky terrain".)

  • MacLeod, N, Rawson, PF, Forey, PL, Banner, FT, Boudagher-Fadel, MK, Bown, PR, Burnett, JA, Chambers, P, Culver, S, Evans, SE, Jeffery, C, Kaminski, MA, Lord, AR, Milner, AC, Milner, AR, Morris, N, Owen, E, Rosen, BR, Smith, AB, Taylor, PD, Urquhart, E & Young, JR (). „The Cretaceous–Tertiary biotic transition”. Journal of the Geological Society. 154 (2): 265–292. doi:10.1144/gsjgs.154.2.0265.

  • MacLeod, N, Rawson, PF, Forey, PL, Banner, FT, Boudagher-Fadel, MK, Bown, PR, Burnett, JA, Chambers, P, Culver, S, Evans, SE, Jeffery, C, Kaminski, MA, Lord, AR, Milner, AC, Milner, AR, Morris, N, Owen, E, Rosen, BR, Smith, AB, Taylor, PD, Urquhart, E & Young, JR (). „The Cretaceous–Tertiary biotic transition”. Journal of the Geological Society. 154 (2): 265–292. doi:10.1144/gsjgs.154.2.0265.